Title: CC2 Amendment to Consultant Contract for A L Jackson and Company, PA Recommendation:
I recommend award of the Amendment to the Consultant contract with A L Jackson and Company, PA, for $17,500.00, through June 30, 2007 and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.
Description: Changes Made to the Agreement are as follows:
CC 2 The Consultant Agreement between the School District of Palm Beach County and A L Jackson and Company, PA needs amending due to a change in staffing. A L Jackson and Company, PA had provided the School District with a consultant to provide 8.9 PeopleSoft Functional Support in Budget and Commitment Control at $160.00 per hour. The District realizes that it needs a consultant with a higher level of expertise with this support and A L Jackson and Company, PA has provided us with a replacement, Steve Kacerik, at an increased rate of $195.00 per hour. This contract will increase $17,500 and remains an hourly contract based upon need. The total contract will not exceed $97,500 through June 30, 2007.
Financial Impact:
Authorized Amount this Request: $80,000.00
Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $17,500.00
Total Authorized Amount if this Request Approved: $97,500.00
Fund Source: ERP Budget Consultant Services
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph Moore, MooreJ@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Mike Burke, Chief Financial Officer
Attachments (list):
Amendment for A L Jackson and Company, PA.pdf
A L Jackson and Company, PA Contract.pdf
A L Jackson and Company Beneficial Interest.pdf
A L Jackson and Company Legal Checklist.pdf