Title: Agreement to Permit the Use of a Facility as a Red Cross Emergency Shelter Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve the Agreement to permit the use of a facility as a Red Cross Emergency Shelter.
- This Agreement is made for the temporary use of facilities designated by the School District for use as public shelters during a declared or undeclared natural disaster or other condition or event requiring the activation of the disaster relief functions of The American National Red Cross (Red Cross).
- The School District and the Red Cross desire to reach an understanding that will result in providing the facilities owned by the School District to the Red Cross to operate emergency shelters for the benefit of the community.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the School District.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore, James P. Kelly (e-mail: Jim Kelly (Chief of Police)
Attachments (list):
Red Cross Agreement.pdf
Checklist for Red Cross Agreement.pdf