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New Business - Budget

Title: B2 Advertisement of the FY2008 Tentative District Budget

I recommend the School Board approve the advertisements of the FY2008 tentative District summary budget, the appropriate tax notices and historical summary data in accordance with Florida Statute 200.065.


Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, requires each School Board to:

  1. Advertise its intent to adopt a tentative budget and millage levy.
  2. Hold a public hearing to adopt the tentative budget and proposed millage levy.

Attached advertisements: 

  1. Notice of Budget Hearing 
  2. Notice of Tax for School Capital Outlay
  3. Budget Summary Notice
  4. Historical Data Charts



Financial Impact:
The financial impact is estimated at $8,000 to advertise the district budget. The source of funds is the Budget Services departmental budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

Michael J. Burke (burkem@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

Attachments (list):
Capital Outlay Ad FY08.pdf
Budget Summary Ad FY08.pdf
10yr Historical Charts ad for FY08.pdf

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