Title: AC2-Junior Achievement of the Palm Beaches, Inc.: Soaring to Success Recommendation:
Consider approval of the continuation of the contract with Junior Achievement of the Palm Beaches, Inc., for the Soaring to Success program for FY08.
Description: Junior Achievement has been in partnership with the School District since 1998. This Junior Achievement program, Soaring to Success, is a middle school program that assists students in discovering their personal skills and interests, exploring career options, and learning about budgeting and discovering the value of career education. The program also includes a field trip and career interest inventory for each participating student. Schools were selected based on geographical locations and the desire to increase community and business involvement at these schools.
During the 2004-2005, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 school years, Junior Achievement provided: Soaring to Success to approximately 300 classes with 8400 students; six to eight sessions which included career information presentations for students, given by business volunteers and a job shadowing/field trip for the participating eighth grade class to a local college/university/post-secondary education center encouraging students to value free enterprise, understand business and economics, and work- force readiness; over $120,000 in matching funds, from foundations, corporations and special events, to expand Soaring to Success to an additional 4000 students participating in the classroom and/or through Job Shadowing program.
During 2007-2008, Junior Achievement will provide: Soaring to Success to approximately 100 classes with 2800 students; six to eight sessions will include career information presentations for students given by business volunteers from the community, presenting the Junior Achievement programs, "Personal Economics", "JA Global Marketplace" and "JA Business and Economics: A US History Perspective" in grades 6-8; a job shadowing/field trip for each participating class to a local college/university/post-secondary education center or workplace encouraging students to value free enterprise, understand business and economics, and work-force readiness; curriculum materials and transportation for field trips.
Students in the Soaring to Success program will take the Economic Literacy pre-test and post-test. The test will include both multiple choice and two questions in the FCAT "read, think and explain" brief scenario format with short answer. Analysis of the pre-test and post-test will be used to evaluate the program and help to make program recommendations.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the District's FY 2008 general fund operating budget is $80,000. The source of funds is the K-12 Curriculum, Adult and Community Education Department budget.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Brenda Magee, Ed.D.
Attachments (list):
JA Soaring to Success-Data Panel.pdf
JA Agreement.pdf
JA Legal Checklist.pdf
Junior Achievement Soaring to Success Participation and Pre Post test scores 2006-07.xls