Title: Amendment to 2006-2007 Standard Agreement for Providers of Supplemental Educational Services Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board approve the Amendment to the Standard Agreement for Providers of Supplemental Educational Services for the NCLB/Title 1 Program 2006-2007.
- The Board approved Standard Agreement for SES Providers was written with an ending date of June 30, 2007, even though the Title 1 grant does not expire until August 31, 2007 because in prior years we always completed tutoring by June 30th.
- This year we had funding set aside for SES that was still available in May and we decided to offer a summer (July) session for students.
- In order for providers to be paid, the agreement has to be amended to state ending date July 30, 2007.
- All tutoring was completed by July 30, 2007. The only part of the grant still open is to pay providers for services completed in July.
Financial Impact:
No financial impact to the School District. The source of funds is the Title 1 set aside Budget
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Alison Adler
Judith Klinek
Attachments (list):
SES Amendment to 2006-2007 Contract.pdf
SES 2006-2007 Contract.pdf
Data Panel that Supports NCLB-SES Program.pdf