Title: Resolution 051026001 consenting to the annexation of Glades Central High School and Pioneer Elementa Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve Resolution 051026001 consenting to the annexation of Glades Central High School and Pioneer Park Elementary School into the City of Belle Glade, Fl.
Description: The School Board owns and operates Glades Central High School and Pioneer Park Elementary School on approximately 88 acres in unincorproated Palm Beach County in the Glades Area.
The City of Belle Glade is desirous of "squaring" off its boundaries and asked that the School Board annex the subject properties.
The City is in the process of annexing 15 parcels totaling 256 acres into the City, which includes the two schools.
The City's Plan to provide urban services does not include any additional cost to the School District.
Financial Impact:
No additional cost.
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