Title: RE2 - New Riviera Beach Area High School Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve the Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contract for acquisition of an improved parcel of land containing 11,875 square feet, more or less, located on Avenue “I”, Riviera Beach which property is adjacent to the Suncoast High School Campus, as herein described; approve a Resolution declaring structures located on the property to be acquired by the School Board to be unnecessary for educational purposes, surplus and without commercial value; and authorize the Superintendent and Chairman to sign all necessary documents.
- The School Board approved the conceptual plan for the relocation of Suncoast High School and the construction of the New Riviera Beach Area High School (02-MMM) on the future expanded site of Suncoast High School.
- The New Riviera Beach Area High School (02-MMM) is included in the Five Year Capital Plan.
- The Expansion of the existing Suncoast High School campus for the New Riviera Beach Area High School (02-MMM) would require the acquisition of an additional +10 acres. (See Exhibit “A”).
- The contract price is $275,000.00 (PC# 56-43-42-29-24-000-0012). The appraised value of the property is $275,000.00.
- A Phase I Environmental Audit for the expansion area of which this property is a part thereof, has been completed. The results do not show a need for a Phase II.
- An Asbestos Analysis will be performed upon acquisition of the properties due to the age of some of the structures located within this assemblage.
Demolition Costs: $18,000.00
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Capital Projects Fund Budget is $ 293,000.00 |
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us) Joseph M. Sanches
Attachments (list):
RE2 Checklist.pdf
RE2 Exhibit A.pdf
RE2 Resolution.pdf