The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida - Afterschool Programming
Celebrating 10 Years Of Wellness

21st Century Community Centers (CCLC)
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) programs offer grant-funded afterschool and summer programs for 1,800 high needs students in 29 District elementary schools, funded by six 21st CCLC grants. The 21st CCLC grant is authorized under Title IV, Part B, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001. The focus of this program is to provide expanded academic enrichment opportunities for children attending Title 1 eligible schools.
The specific purposes of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Grant Program are to:
- Provide opportunities for academic enrichment, providing services to help students, particularly students who attend low-performing schools, to meet State and local student academic achievement standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and mathematics
- Offer students a broad array of additional services, programs and activities designed to reinforce and complement the regular academic program such as: art, music, youth development activities, character education, recreation, technology education and drug and violence prevention programs
- Offer families of students opportunities for literacy and related educational development
The School District of Palm Beach County’s 21st CCLC Grant Program is a five year plan targeting 29 of the neediest and most diverse Title 1 elementary schools that are largely populated with economically disadvantaged and minority students. For more information contact Dr. Cynthia George, 21st CCLC Grant Manager, at (561) 357-1851 or
The 21st CCLC Grant’s afterschool and summer programming is designed to complement and enrich school day learning including:
- Reading and literacy
- Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM)
- Physical Education
- Health and Wellness
- Character Education
- Family Services
- Service Learning
21st CCLC programs for the 2015-2016 school year:
- Cosmic Kidz
Lantana, Palmetto, South Grade, Starlight Cove, and West Gate - Shining Starz
Heritage, Highland, Indian Pines, Greenacres, and Rolling Green - Whiz Kidz
Berkshire, D.D. Eisenhower, Forest Hill, Lake Park, and Washington - Kreative Kidz
C.O. Taylor/Kirklane, Forest Park, Hope-Centennial, Seminole Trails, and Westward - Blazing Starz
Cholee Lakes, Diamond View, Jupiter, North Grade, and Plumosa School of the Arts - Dazzling Starz
Conservatory School at North Palm Beach, Egret Lake, Hammock Pointe, and Loxahatachee Groves
The 21st CCLC Project Based Learning lessons and activities incorporated Healthy Lifestyle Choices (HLC) Behavioral-Health Curriculum for grades K-5. The program provided students with the knowledge and skills practice to make healthier choices. Topics covered include:
- Life Skills
- Nutrition
- Fitness
- Safety
- Conflict Resolution/Violence Prevention
- Substance Abuse Prevention
The HLC Program Highlights:
- Comprehensive and hands-on
- The new guideline for food portions and variety, and the most recent fitness recommendations for youth
- Aligned cross-curricular and with the National Health Education Standards
- Includes program knowledge and behavioral assessments
The HLC Curriculum served as the foundation for student participation in:
- Setting fitness and nutritional goals
- Anti-Bullying - Pink Shirt Day
- Random Acts of Kindness - Kindness Matters and Spreading Kindness