The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida - Other School Department Based Activities
Celebrating 10 Years Of Wellness

Department of Safe Schools-Climate Initiatives Bullying Compliance Monitoring Annual Report
The Department of Safe Schools continues to lead the School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, in a District–wide approach to prevent and/or reduce the issues that lead to bullying and violence. This is being accomplished by providing initiatives that identify and promote the use of educational resources and practices that build positive and supportive school climate, enhance student social and emotional intelligence, and foster an ethos of caring throughout our District. These efforts are intended to focus on the imperative to prioritize the need to create respectable and nurturing learning and workplace environments for ALL staff and students in alignment with the new Strategic Plan.
We are proud that our District is seen as a state leader in meeting the requirements of the Jeffrey Johnston Stand Up for All Students Act of 2009. We have created an Administrative eLearning Resource Center storing the Anti-Bullying Principal’s Compliance Checklist, Steps in the Investigative Process and a document titled Considerations in the Investigative Process to assist those assigned to provide student interventions. We have recently received certification from the State that we have met and exceeded all the FL DOE School Compliance requirements regarding mandates which include:
- posting of anonymous reporting lines and access to the Bullying and Harassment Report at every school site
- development of procedures for reporting and investigation, Student Investigation Summary (PBSD 2509)
- providing notification to parents/guardians of both accused/offenders and targets/victims
- facilitating counseling services and outside resources for both the targets/victims and the accused/offenders, and their families
- requiring documentation and consistent use of the Corrective Behavior Intervention Report: Verbal Counseling (PBSD 2464) or the Classroom Management Tracking Form (SwPBS) to document interventions for first complaints that are less serious
- implementing the Student Victim Safety Plan and Student Stay Away Agreement for serious incidents
- training related to PBSD Forms designed to record the details of the report and provide documentation showing the actions taken, remediation and consequences issued.
In alignment with our District’s School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SwPBS) mandate, these sites organize resources using the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) approach by providing: 1) templates and scripts which promote ethical expectations; 2) models for procedures that are aligned with policy; and 3) effective prevention/intervention strategies that are supported by evidence-based practices and programs for specific stakeholders; District and school-wide leadership, classroom teachers, support staff, individual students and parents and community.
Parent and Community Involvement
In July of 2015, Superintendent Dr. Robert Avossa, organized the Anti-bullying Community Round Table to address our community’s concerns regarding issues surrounding bullying and cyberbullying. The results of the Community’s “Call to Action” is evident in the District’s Strategic Plan’s, Theme 2 - Positive and Supportive School Climate to be implemented in the Phase 1 Initiatives: to develop an approach to bullying prevention.
We recognize that parents and community agencies are wonderful social coaches for children, and designate learning tools and resources to use to help their children respond to difficult social situations. Resources are available for parents on our newly created public website that can be accessed on the District’s home page
Cyber Safety
Since 2010, Safe Schools collaborated with our Educational Technology Department, Library Media Services, and IT Infrastructure has meet state and local requirements regarding Cyber bullying and Internet Safety by providing mandatory education. Together these departments created the K-12 TechSafe program. This imperative extended our influence by mandating the teaching of students and staff about the acceptable use of technology and the positive and negative use of social media and the internet. This content includes instruction and reflection related to the :
- legal, ethical, and safe use of technology (both in and out of school)
- use of District technology resources related to the curriculum, academic development, or school extracurricular activity
- acceptable use of District resources that send clear messages related to pornography, cyber bullying, or stalking
- issue of “sexting” in grades 4-12
- NEW Florida Department of Education-Monitoring for Compliance with the Procedures in Florida’s Anti-Bullying and Harassment Law (F.S. § 100.47)
In August of 2015, the Department of Safe Schools was notified that the School District of Palm Beach County would be audited by the FLDOE officials in April, 2016. The audit was being conducted to confirm that the District has established reporting and investigation procedures mandated by The Jeffrey Johnston Stand Up For All Students Act (F.S. § 100.47}. The audit would verify that all requirements of the law as related to bullying and cyber bullying were understood, implemented and practiced consistently throughout the district.
To ensure District-wide compliance for FY16, principals are asked to complete the actions detailed in the Anti -Bullying and Harassment Principal's Compliance Checklist and confirm compliance by Tuesday, December 15, 2016. The Checklist consists of ten Action Items which are mandated and will be audited by the State. Each Action Item, 1-10, has a corresponding folder that provides the documents, materials, and resources necessary to implement the individual Action Item listed and culminating in the principal's electronic signature. Please note that every public school principal completed the requirements outlined in the SY 16-17 Anti-Bullying Principal’s Checklist. The Checklist can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

In April 2016, Brooks Rumenik, Director Office of Safe Schools from the Florida Department of Education, conducted the District audit. She writes, “It was an absolute pleasure to visit in Palm Beach and learn from both the district and various school sites about the tremendous amount of effort being put into bullying prevention and awareness! I commend all for how serious you take this topic and the work that goes into front end prevention to reduce bullying behaviors.” Please include the Bullying Monitoring Summary for the School District of Palm Beach County attached to this email.
Professional Development:
In August, September, and October 2015 the Department of Safe Schools provided training for district administrators and area support leaders on bullying prevention, intervention, investigation, and documentation, investigation and documentation processes required by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) - Monitoring for Compliance with the Procedures in Florida’s Anti-Bullying and Harassment Law (F.S. § 100.47).
In the fall of 2015, bullying prevention, intervention, and documentation training was provided to teachers, school counselors, bus drivers, bus attendants, para professionals, and other school based support personnel. Sessions included:
- discussion and application of case studies, best practices, and the use of new electronic documentation forms
- skills for evaluating and identifying bullying characteristics
- key findings from local and national research regarding student roles in cases of bullying
- questioning and interviewing techniques to be utilized when investigating reports
- analysis of harassment as viewed through the lens of civil rights (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination of protected classes; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, basis of sex; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504, and Title II refer to disability-based harassment)
- review updated school-wide, classroom, student and parent resources
School Counselors
In addition, school counselors provide instruction in social skills through classroom guidance and special programs such as Student Success Skills, Educational Enhancement Groups, and Bullying Awareness and Prevention for use in Grade Three.
Safe School Ambassadors
We have even enlisted socially capable students as allies in Grades 4 - 12 via the Safe School Ambassadors program. This national program is available for all our schools. In it, student opinion leaders from all the formal and informal groups on the campus are trained to recognize mistreatment and intervene using diplomatic skills, not force.
We have established a relationship with the Student County Council (high school leadership) to expand their capacity to address school climate and safety issues on their respective campuses. All student groups enthusiastically agreed to work with our department to:
- Address and identify the relationships and any issues between all groups of students
- Create a partnership between students and adults
- Reinforce our messages about discipline, safety and SwPBS
Bullying Prevention Month Campaign Resources
In October and throughout SY 15-16, the District schools and departments participated in National Bullying Prevention Month. School and community organizations across the state and nation are encouraged to align their efforts to educate on the impact of bullying and raise awareness for bullying prevention. The District has identified the following campaign resources which serve twofold; to meet compliance mandates and to provide activities that are excellent additions to your existing anti-bullying and climate-building work. We asked that every employee, student, and volunteer, make a conscious effort and commitment not add to the pain of others and that we do our best to look at people with caring eyes, and provide support to those who need help.
School Based Activities included:
- Unity Day Wear Orange October 21, 2015. Sponsored by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center since 2011. Together against bullying — united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. All employees K-12.
- Mix It Up at Lunch Day on October 27, 2015, is a national campaign launched by Teaching Tolerance over a decade ago. Mix It Up at Lunch Day encourages students to identify, question and cross social boundaries. So on one day October 27, we ask students and employees to move out of their comfort zones and connect with someone new over lunch. It’s a simple act with profound implications. You can learn more information about the project, download resources and register your school by visiting . All employees K-12
- The Florida Department of Education is encouraging all schools to participate in the Florida Children and Youth Cabinet’s Bullying Prevention Workgroup anti-bullying live simulcast. Nick Vujicic, a limbless man, shares his powerful and inspiring story that focus on bullying and suicide prevention. Mr. Nick Vujicic, an internationally renowned inspirational speaker, addresses a wide variety of topics relevant to student life, including depression, bullying, gossip and rumor, and the benefits of developing positive attitudes and supportive campus relationships. You can pre -register your school at no cost and find out more about the program by going to . (Grades 6-12)
- Using Literature to Promote Cultural Competency-Bullying Prevention Companion Bibliography. This new document addresses the growing need that schools and teachers have for additional student literature and adult resources about broader social issues that are often related to bullying. (K-12)
- The Florida Department of Education Bullying Prevention Website provides additional information and resources for addressing bullying behavior. Access the website at for additional information. (K-12)
Direct Support
Ongoing since SY 2009 - SY 2016 the Department of Safe Schools provides direct support to and consultation to schools and parents/guardians, community agencies in response to reports of mistreatment and bullying.
We have a team of people available to offer assistance to staff members and schools, and want parents to know that we take all reports very seriously.
Contact Kim Mazauskas at 561 982-0922 or Rick Lewis 561 982-0920 in the Department of Single School Culture Initiatives.