The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida - Other School Department Based Activities
Celebrating 10 Years Of Wellness

The Caridad Center
The P.E.T. Program began in the year 2008 with a few families in the healthy lifestyle modification component of the program. The purpose was to teach the families how to modify their lifestyle with simple steps to improve their wellbeing. This included classes, screen, and educate 25 families on diabetes a year. Now using the same model we address 25 children and families for diabetes, obesity and oral health
disease. In addition we provide one day group classes, group demos and workshops on the above topics and expanded to breast care, HIV, and skin cancer. All of them are also provided in the schools thanks to a 3 year grant from PEP (Carol M. White Physical Education Program / SPARK).
Our very first in-house health fair, the “Family Festival” took place in year 2004. We had 2 tables, no tent, and a few people receiving what little we had to offer. We continued on with the purpose of providing education, free screenings, among other services to the public in a fun atmosphere. Each year we were able to expand the services, Organizations starting joining and the past Family Festival which was held November 2015, we had over 60 organizations, and over 400 participants.
The Caridad Center
The Caridad Center provides comprehensive medical and dental care for the uninsured working poor of Palm Beach County. It is a community effort of over 400 medical, dental, and support volunteers which save taxpayers $4.8 million annually.
The mission of the Caridad Center is to upgrade the health, education, and living standards of underserved children and families. The Caridad Center’s vision is to eliminate the cycle of poverty for the families that we serve in South Florida. Our mission is accomplished through three distinct programs:
Caridad Health Clinic (CHC) provides free quality medical and dental health care for 6,000 patients, both children and adults, who do not qualify for government programs with 5,123 patient visits last year, an increase from the 25,947 patient visits the year prior. An additional 14,000 people receive health education in community settings through events, workshops, and classes.
Homework Assistance Program provides homework assistance, literacy, and enrichment activities for up to 40 elementary school children.
Community Outreach Services provides emergency assistance for food, clothing, back to school supplies and uniforms, college scholarships, shelter, hurricane relief, as well as holiday parties and gifts for more than 2,000 children and their families annually.

Prevention, Education, and Treatment (PET) Healthy Family Program
The PET Program’s Healthy Family Program, targets low-income, elementary and middle school children primarily from homes with no English-speaking parent present.
The Goal of the PET Healthy Family Program is to identify and address chronic diseases prevalent in Hispanic, Haitian, and African American families in Palm Beach County that can respond to prevention and education.
The program continues to assess, identify, educate, and treat obesity as a contributor to other chronic conditions. It employs an inter-generational approach to reach all members of the family from the first to the third generation with health education and counseling. The program is culturally sensitive and staff and volunteers who are fluent in English, Spanish, and Creole provide services. It serves all Palm Beach County residents who are low income and uninsured.
The PET Healthy Family Program is a community-based, family-centered, health care program that aims to improve the lifestyle, diet, and emotional health of the child and his/her family. Staff and volunteers screen children and adults at all outreach activities as well as at Caridad’s clinic. Patients found to be at-risk for, or who are diagnosed with, one or more
chronic diseases, are referred to the program. Children found to be obese, or grossly overweight, receive family-centered counseling. A treatment plan is formulated for the child and the family’s specific needs. Patients are encouraged to start lifestyle changes that include a healthier diet and exercise. An individual treatment plan is developed and PET staff works closely with the patient and clinician in its implementation.
For more information or to schedule an event or workshop visit or contact Luz Smith,
Program Methods
Outreach to at-risk communities
Group Education Classes
Health Fairs
One-on-one family-centered prevention, education, and counseling for program families
Collaboration with community partners
Program Activities
Assessment and health screening at Caridad Center and community events to determine risk chronic diseases
Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in individual and in group settings
Nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modification education classes open to all
An annual onsite health fair known in the Community as “The Family Festival” and it has been held every 2nd Saturday in the month of November for the past 12 years.
Participation in other agencies’ community events or health fairs
One-on-one family-centered prevention, education, and counseling for families
Work with families and monitor their individual goals and activities
Collaborate with community partners in obesity prevention
Provide clinical treatment for obesity and other chronic illnesses
Referrals to primary care physicians for those found at risk for obesity or other chronic disease(s)
Provide breast cancer education and awareness by hosting and attending community events
Provide HIV testing and prevention education at Caridad and at other community events
Conduct home visits to patients’ homes to observe their environment in order to assist them in making the necessary changes and overcoming obstacles that will allow them to follow their plan of care for the successful treatment of their chronic disease(s)
Recruitment and train Community Health Promoters (Promotoras / CHW’s) to target diverse communities
Healthy food preparation demonstrations and supermarket tours
And our latest endeavor; The Healthy Skin for Everyone Program is a community-based program that aims to address skin cancer disparities in underserved, uninsured and immigrant communities in the United States. Through a health promotor training curriculum, interactive community workshops, and a twelve week text messaging program, Healthy Skin for Everyone provides skin cancer prevention education to at risk populations.

Activities in Partnership with the School District of Palm Beach County
Community Events, Workshops, & Classes
The Caridad Center continues to increase their efforts in reaching children and families in Palm Beach County and has partnered with the School District of Palm Beach County in a 3-year Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) Grant. This program seeks to improve healthy behaviors and decrease obesity factors in middle school students by improving PE programs, focusing community outreach, and offering family-focused obesity interventions. The program goals are accomplished through the implementation of: the SPARK Physical Education curriculum, Family Funs Nights at select middle schools, Caridad Center’s Healthy Family Program for students and families found at-risk for chronic diseases. By the end of year three of the grant, all 33 middle schools in Palm Beach County will have participated in program activities.

The following ten middle schools were recruited to participate in PEP Grant activities for the 2015-2016 school year:
Congress Middle School
Polo Park Middle School
Crestwood Middle School
Village Academy Middle School
Boca Raton Middle School
Don Estridge Middle School
Loggers Run Middle School
Western Pines Middle School
Tradewinds Middle School
H.L. Watkins Middle School
Odyssey Middle School
Okeeheelee Middle School
During the program’s first year, Caridad Center staff:
Hosted 13 Family Fun Nights
Conducted 5 cooking demonstrations to 518 participants
Conducted 12 nutrition demonstrations to 493 participants
Conducted 12 oral health demonstrations to 559 participants
Conducted 12 breast health care demonstrations to 245 participants
Conducted a total of 361 biometric health screenings (BMI, glucose, and blood pressure)
Engaged children and adults in physical activities through the Spark Curriculum
Gave away prizes (including basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, volley balls, jump ropes, and more) to encourage students and their parents to participate in the events
Health Fair at Caridad Center
The School District of Palm Beach County participated in the Caridad Center’s Annual Family Festival health fair through the School Food Service (SFS) Department and Adult & Community Education. SFS offers students the opportunity to select nutritious meals every day for breakfast and lunch. Adult & Community Education offers GED classes and testing, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), Family Literacy, and Classes for Fun & Leisure. FDLRS Parent Services provides information (FDLRS), training, and support to districts and families in order to promote effective parent participation in the educations of children who are exceptional and/or have special needs. The Family Festival was held on Saturday, November 14, 2015. A total of 423 participants attended the event and 445 screenings were completed.
Community Events, Workshops, & Classes
The PET Program continues to go into Palm Beach County schools and other community organizations to participate in health events and dictate classes and workshops, educating adults and children in healthy lifestyles, nutrition, and physical activity. Collaboration with the Palm Beach County School District has taken place at the following schools and other locations:
Clifford O. Taylor / Kirklane ELEM.
Christa McAuliffe Middle
Bear Lakes Middle
John I. Leonard High
Forest Hill High
Lake Worth High
South Grade ELEM.
Highland ELEM.
Melaleuca ELEM.
Jupiter ELEM.
Rolling Green ELEM.
Allamanda ELEM.
Note: Health Events, classes, and workshops in these twelve schools were in addition to the middle schools in which PEP Grant activities were held.
Partnership Activities
BRIDGES – The Caridad Center has recently begun a new collaboration with BRIDGES at Lake Worth, a program that connects families to community resources for health improvement of children across Palm Beach County.
BRIDGES is currently promoting capacity building for the population they serve through a series of workshops, which now include some classes provided by the Caridad Center. These classes include:
Healthy Families
Physical Activity
Cooking Demonstrations
Supermarket Tours

Community Call to Action against Obesity Coalition is a community entity that addresses obesity in Palm Beach County. The Caridad Center is part of the coalition and actively supports events and programs developed by the coalition.
Caridad Center staff are active members in the Palm Beach County Diabetes Coalition. This coalition was formed to educate the Palm Beach County community on the prevention and management of diabetes.
School District personnel serve on the PET Healthy Family Program’s Advisory Board and their contribution continues to be crucial in the development of the program.
“I was referred to the P.E.T. program and they took me to Social Services to get food, and with help of Nutritionist my Blood Sugar is improved, I’m feeling better, no complaints. Thank you for your Program.” – Abigail Costilla
“I have to admit this was a very scary experience for me. I never thought I was able to have such high blood pressure score until I was tested in my recent weeks. I’m young, so I didn’t think I would have to worry as much but I was wrong. Now thanks to Caridad and their wonderful staff, they have help me to wake up and start paying more attention to my health and what I am eating on a daily basis.” – Jean Gregg
I like Caridad and the services it offers. I really like the Nutrition program and I’m looking forward to my next nutrition class. I also started exercising.” – Maribel Moreno
I was favored with the Home Visit Program & this program has helped me in entirely because it taught me how to overcome and adapt to my sickness in the way I should eat, and take care of my body, and oriented me on what to do to lower my Cholesterol and Glucose, I’m very grateful to Caridad and the Home Visit Program for all their support they have given me up until now. I just ask one thing; “May God bless you all for the services and Community help you provide.” – Cristo Rodas
"It helped because sometimes I would forget the meaning the ABCDEs of melanoma" – Anonymous
"I enjoyed the class because I had no idea how important and common skin disorders like melanoma are" – Anonymous