The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida - Other School Department Based Activities
Celebrating 10 Years Of Wellness

Enrichment Initiatives
Students participating in District elementary afterschool programs receive a minimum of two to three hours of academic enrichment per week. In order to bridge the learning day through the afterschool hours, the Department of Afterschool Programming provides several enrichment initiatives to the District’s 96 programs. These initiatives include Give ‘em a Boost, Explore Literacy and Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math (STEAM).
In addition to department enrichment offerings, programs provide enhancements through our partners and other organizations. These include but are not limited to Prime Time PBC, YMCA, The Center for Creative Education and Resource Depot.
For a complete list of our partners visit:
Give ‘em a Boost
The Give ‘em a Boost initiative is a personal enrichment and healthy living program that includes topics in the areas of self-esteem, bullying, nutrition, personal health, teamwork, and cooperation. Give ‘em a Boost also incorporates research based Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids (SPARK) Physical Education activities, which are both inclusive and fun in order to promote personal fitness. Through the use of read-alouds, hands-on activities, engaging food explorations, open-ended questions, student voice and choice, and cooperative group work, students are provided a well-rounded curriculum designed to provide a holistic approach to student wellness.
This initiative was made available to grades K-2 and grades 3-5 and was implemented one hour per day, three days per week during afterschool program hours.
The following are just a few of the books and wellness topics students explored as part of the Give ‘em a Boost initiative during the 2015-2016 school year:
- Treat Me Right! Kids Talk About Respect by Nancy Loewen (Respect)
Students learned that respect means caring about others as well as yourself, following rules, and taking care of things like our schools and environment. Students created campaign posters to teach others in their schools about the importance of respect.
- Bully B.E.A.N.S by Julia Cook (Bullying)
Students explored the topic of bullying and learned several ways to take away a bully’s power - including working together as a team, staying away from them, telling the bully to stop, and asking for help. Students created super hero masks to remind them they are brave enough to do the right thing when they encounter a bully.
- Spaghetti in a Hotdog Bun by Maria Dismondy (Celebrating Differences)
Students discovered similarities and differences between their classmates, and discovered their differences are what makes them special! They also painted self-portraits to celebrate their uniqueness.
Explore Literacy
The Explore Literacy initiative enhances fluency and comprehension taught during the school day. It is based on fiction and non-fiction read alouds and incorporates research based Reader’s Theater selections. Reader’s Theater supports fluency and comprehension, while also encouraging creativity and team building as students read together in a fun-filled learning environment. To keep students engaged, Explore Literacy incorporates interactive hands on activities, open ended questions, student voice and choice and cooperative group work. This well-rounded curriculum promotes a lifelong love of reading.
Explore Literacy is aligned to the Florida Standards. This initiative was made available to all elementary grades and was implemented one hour a day, three days a week.
The following are just a few of the books and wellness topics students explored as part of the Explore Literacy initiative during the 2015-2016 school year:
- Someone Special Just Like You by Tricia Brown
Students learned the differences that seem to separate children with handicaps from others are not important. What is important is the common delight in life, a desire to love, learn and play, and to be accepted for themselves as other children are. Activities encouraged ways to establish social skills with all children.
- Whoever You Are by Mem Fox
Students celebrated the world’s diverse cultures, both our similarities and differences. Activities included the message of respect and friendship and that no matter where we come from, all children from all over the world are the same within our hearts, love and joy are the same everywhere.
- Kids in Sports by Kirsten Hall
Students discovered some of the best athletes in the world have been children. Students learned about some very talented young people who have worked hard to be the best at what they do in the world of sports. Activities included teamwork exercises and celebrating accomplishments.
- Community Based Projects
Students in Explore Literacy also took part in several community based projects during the 2015-2016 school year. In November, they created United States of America flags for the Veteran’s Administration Medical Center in Riviera Beach. Then in April, students created sun catchers for children at the Palm Beach Children’s Hospital at St. Mary’s Medical Center.
Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM)
The Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) initiative supports and enriches science and math benchmarks taught during the regular school day in grades K-5 while introducing students to the fields of technology, engineering and art. This hands-on curriculum provides learning opportunities through the use of manipulatives, educational games and hands-on experiments in a safe, structured environment. STEAM engages students through use of the inquiry-based 5E Learning Cycle, allowing them to engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate topics through both fiction and non-fiction read alouds, open-ended questions, student voice and choice and cooperative group work.
STEAM is aligned to the District’s scope and sequence, Florida State Standards and the Next Generation Florida Sunshine State Standards. It is available for grades K-2 and grades 3-5 and is implemented one hour per day, three days per week during afterschool program hours.
The following are just a few of the books and wellness topics students explored as part of the STEAM initiative during the 2015-2016 school year:
- Wind Energy by David and Patricia Armentrout
Students learned about the most prominent forms of alternative energy being used today and how it will impact our future. Students were challenged to use critical thinking skills to analyze how they use energy and how their behavior can have a positive or negative impact on their environment.
- Human Body by Marc Gave
Students learned the human body is a fascinating machine. How does it grow and change? How does it perform the many jobs that keep you alive? How can you keep your body in good working condition? Activities encouraged students to explore the many important systems of the human body.
Community Based Projects
Students in STEAM also took part in several community based projects during the 2015-2016 school year. In October, they created no sew blankets for the Peggy Adams Animal Shelter. Then in March, students created vases and flowers from recycled materials for local senior citizen’s organizations and nursing homes.