The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida - Other School Department Based Activities
Celebrating 10 Years Of Wellness

Teenage Parent Program
The Teenage Parent Program (TPP) is a voluntary program offered by Palm Beach County Schools to provide education, child care and access to health and social services for pregnant and parenting teens. Students who are pregnant, as well as teen mothers and fathers, are supported in becoming responsible parents and completing requirements for graduation. While in the program, students receive support services such as child care, health care, social services, parenting education and transportation.
Participants in TPP must take at least one parenting skills course while continuing to earn credits toward a standard or special diploma. Palm Beach Virtual High School also offers the Parenting Skills course. Students who have completed the parenting course continue to receive support services while enrolled in their high school diploma program.

In school year 2015/2016, the Teenage Parent Program served a total of 281 students,16 middle school and 265 high school age. Child care services were provided for 142 children of TPP participants. The School District of Palm Beach County and Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County work together to assist students who need child care through the School District Teenage Parent Program and after graduation through local funding.
The Teenage Parent Program works directly with Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies to assist pregnant and parenting students in accessing a variety of programs through Healthy Beginnings to support a healthy pregnancy and healthy birth.
May 2016 National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
In May 2016 the School District of Palm Beach County participated in the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy for the eighth year. The purpose of the campaign is to bring attention to preventing teen pregnancy and the fact that “It can happen to you.” Students went to the website and took the scenario based quiz.
Students from G Star: School of the Arts for Film, Animation and the Performing Arts produced a PSA video for the Primary Prevention Committee to use in promoting the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. You can view this year’s PSA on Youtube. Thank you G Star for a job well done.
In addition, Proclamations for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy were presented by The Board of County Commissioners, Palm Beach County, the School District of Palm Beach County and the Children’s Services Council Palm Beach County, Inc. giving support to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.
Natalie Reyes, student representative from Palm Beach Youth Leadership Council addressing School Board members on May 11, 2016.
Births to teen moms in Palm Beach County have decreased 30% in the last five years.