The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida - Other School Department Based Activities
Celebrating 10 Years Of Wellness

United Healthcare
UnitedHealthcare’s mission is to help people live healthier lives through integrity, compassion, relationships, innovation, and performance.
We know that managing your health plan benefits and your health isn’t always easy. That’s why we have a team of people dedicated to helping you. Advocate4Me is UnitedHealthcare’s innovative customer service solution; a one stop shop for a member’s questions about his/her healthcare. From understanding claims to estimating costs ahead of time, Advocates are here to help. You may want to know:
- Is this treatment covered?
- How much will I have to pay for a test my doctor wants me to get?
- What does this charge mean on my bill? And why is it this amount?
- Can you help explain my benefits and what I need to do?
- If I need to find a new doctor, can you help me?
Advocates are just a call or email away! or 888-380-0389.
Diabetes Health Plan Plus (DHPP) 2015
The UnitedHealthcare Diabetes Health Plan Plus integrates a series of condition-specific features for the diabetic member as well as members with high blood pressure/high cholesterol, with the powerful cost-saving, self-management provisions of a standard UnitedHealthcare plan design. The plan rewards adherence to diabetic preventive care by reducing financial and clinical barriers. This can help lower the risk of complications and overall health care costs. 10,628 members with pre-diabetes, diabetes, or hypertension and high cholesterol enrolled in DHPP. Palm Beach School District continues to have the highest compliance of UnitedHealthcare’s 42 Diabetes Health Plan customers. The following charts represent 2015’s Health Action Summary.
88% of participants are compliant with all but 3 health actions while 73% of the diabetics are compliant with Evidence Based Medicine. 29% of the School District’s membership is now in a condition-based plan design which is helping them live healthier lives.
Consumer-Driven Health Plan (CDHP)
We offer an alternative solution for large employers looking for the most cost-effective, high-quality health care plan possible. By their very design, Consumer-Driven Health plans engage consumers by imparting incentives, education, and the tools necessary to make informed decisions on the best ways to manage their own health care. The program is designed to transform “passive participants” into value-conscious consumers and is revolutionizing the health care industry. One tool that UHC offers is an online Health Cost Estimator. This integrated online calculator helps members review the quality and efficiency ratings of providers while estimating the cost of common treatments and procedures. Help your members know the 4 Ps when shopping for health care. Know their procedure, Know their provider, Know their price and Know the place.
Rally is UnitedHealthcare’s online, interactive experience that is designed to make it easy to help you understand healthy behaviors and take any needed steps to help you live a healthier life. Rally shows you how to make simple changes to your daily routine, set smart goals and stay on target. You’ll get personalized recommendations on how to move more, eat better and feel happier—and have fun doing it.
Start with the quick Health Survey and get your Rally Age to help you assess your overall health. Rally will then recommend missions for you: simple activities designed to help immediately improve your diet, fitness and mood. Start easy, and level up when you’re ready.
Plus, on Rally there are lots of ways to earn Rally coins, which you can use for chances to win great rewards! Rack up coins for joining missions, pushing yourself in a challenge and even just for logging in to Rally every day!
Rally is also where School District members will access their Health Rewards wellness program results and progress. It’s never been more fun to stay healthy!
Health Rewards
Health Rewards is an innovative incentive program designed to help School District members adopt healthy behaviors as a way of life. Completion of specific health activities allows members to earn Health Rewards. Whatever stage of a member’s health, Health Rewards may help him/her get healthy, stay healthy or deal with an illness. Employees can earn up to $600 annually in premium incentives from the District.
Introduction of Real Appeal
Employee Wellness and UnitedHealthcare have partnered to promote Real Appeal, introduced to the School District of Palm Beach County in August 2015. As a group, employees from the School District of Palm Beach County have lost more than 8,300 pounds. That’s half the weight of a school bus! Employees, spouses/domestic partners, and dependents (18 or older) with UnitedHealthcare medical insurance and a BMI of 23 or higher can enroll at no additional cost. Not even a copay! Real Appeal also qualifies as a reasonable alternative for the School District’s Health Rewards program, encouraging behavior changes for long lasting changes in order to live healthier lives. The School District’s members have experienced mind blowing success stories such as:
- “Now I plan how and when I eat into my busy schedule. Real Appeal made this process so simple to follow. I now feel like I have control over food instead of food having control over me.” –Angel D. lost 30 lbs
- “After I had two kids life got so busy and I lost track of my weight. I love setting goals and achieving them. Real Appeal made that process fun and enjoyable. The accountability for me was huge, my coach and class kept me motivated to succeed. Now I feel like the old me again.” –Wenfred D. lost 30
Your members nurse liaison Gail Diedrick, RN, BSN, promotes the use of clinical programs, disease management, diabetes health plan and care management. The Nurse-at-Work program provides a registered nurse to help identify and recommend medical-condition-specific programs. She can also help assist in managing chronic illnesses by encouraging participation in our many care- or disease-management programs. Gail also educates and helps guide members in the Diabetes Health Plan to ensure engagement, compliance, and healthier living.
Gail can be reached at (561) 434-7417, Monday through Friday
UnitedHealthcare understands that cancer patients will face many challenges. We know the health care system is complicated and can be difficult to navigate. So we established a new program that provides a designated team of expert advisors to give our members valuable help and guidance. Our goal is to reduce the time and effort cancer patients may spend on insurance and paperwork allowing them to remain focused on what is most important: their health.
On-Site Reps
The School District of Palm Beach County has dedicated on-site UnitedHealthcare representatives available to assist members. Gaby Perez 561-434-8092 and Matthew Jarsen 561-357-7564 are located in the Fulton-Holland building and are available during normal District hours. Matt and Gaby offer a warm smile and voice to help members navigate through their healthcare questions.