The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida

District Wellness


Wellness Progress In The District

Wellness existed in Palm Beach County prior to the mandate from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), through the Child Nutrition and WIC Re-authorization Act of 2004, that every school District must develop a local school wellness policy.  On May 31, 2006 when our first draft of our Wellness Promotion Policy was adopted by the School Board, we began our official Wellness Promotion journey.  Wellness Promotion continues to thrive in our School District and our community.  The District’s Wellness Promotion Task Force meetings maintained great momentum and participation this 2017-2018 school year; where District and Community initiatives were shared with the intent to develop healthier minds and bodies in our students, staff and the community as a whole.  Students and staff over the past 12 years have benefited from the wellness activities, resources, and initiatives put forth by the District and the community.  Details of many of these initiatives have been captured in the pages of our Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Reports.  This FY-2018 annual report highlights what was accomplished with regard to wellness during the 2017-2018 school year..enjoy!


“In order to create a wellness culture, wellness needs to be infused into every department and every school.  Like a vine, wellness grows when nurtured.  It spreads throughout our District when provided with the opportunity to grow.  Thank you to all who give life to our wellness cause.  Your efforts are appreciated and your impact on students, staff, and our community is documented in this FY-2018 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report.”

Allison Monbleau, Director, School Food Service


“The Wellness Promotion Policy allows us to solidify internal and external relationships by working together on common goals that will benefit the whole child.  It gives us the influence and credibility to make positive changes that will last a lifetime.  Our commitment to instill wellness in the lives of students, employees, families, and our entire community is our passion.  Enjoy the progress made on wellness on this annual report.”

Paula Triana, Manager Wellness Promotion, School Food Service


“On behalf of the members of the School Board…please accept our heartfelt thank you!  Wellness is a continuing effort for all of us.  The work being done by our Wellness Promotion Task Force and all of our community partners is fabulous. Our students, parents, employees and the community benefit by having healthy minds and bodies at work.  The need for this District to support our students goes beyond the day to day classroom and reaches into every community.  The progress we have made is due to the commitment of the Task Force and the community.”

Chuck Shaw, School Board Chairman

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“The School District of Palm Beach County understands that wellness matters.  The District encourages our staff, students, and community to work toward achieving optimal wellness to live full and healthy lives.”

Wanda F. Paul, Chief Operating Officer


"Supportive Leadership at the District and School levels are important to create a wellness culture in our District.  Taking into account the needs of our students and incorporating goals and objectives to address barriers to learning is the focus for our Wellness Promotion Policy.  We understand, there are important links between the health of students and academic achievement, particularly related to healthy eating, physical movement, chronic conditions, and a safe and positive school climate.  Let's continue moving wellness initiatives forward!"

Keith Oswald, Deputy Superintendent


Expanding A Wellness Culture Depends On You!

Connect with Community Partners

Advocate For Change

Promote Initiatives

Share Successes