The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida 

Other School and Department Based Activities 


Risk & Benefits Management

The Department of Risk & Benefits Management for the School District of Palm Beach County has grown tremendously. With employee and student health and safety in mind, many programs, policies, and procedures have been put in place to ensure compliance and satisfaction.

Benefits and Employee Wellness has seen many changes in programs offered; support from every level; and employee participation, responsibility, and health status that has helped to shape our successes. We have been able to avoid health insurance premium increases in the past seven years because of these achievements. Our progressive thinking, supportive nature, and optimism as a District has helped us to go great lengths to ensure best practices and great outcomes.

Risk Management and Safety has a team of experts working together to ensure that we are minimizing injuries and keeping our students and staff healthy and safe. Policies and Procedures that have been put in place and/or have undergone process improvement include: AEDs at every district school and location; scheduled fire and tornado drills; effective and comprehensive emergency plans; playground renovations and inspections; and bus driver and attendant physical demand name a few. Risk Management also has created tools for Special Events, both school-sponsored and non-school sponsored, that are organized for fundraising, student entertainment and enrichment.

We are very proud of how far we have come, and are hopeful and encouraged by the possibility of what lies ahead for the future of our District's Risk & Benefits Management Department.

Employee Wellness

Risk & Safety Management