Student Intervention Services (SIS) in the Division of Educational Alternatives and Interventions is directly aligned to the District’s mission of excellence in education and preparing all students with the knowledge, skills, and ethics required for higher education, responsible citizenship, and productive employment. Opportunity for academic achievement is the central philosophy of the various programs and initiatives provided by SIS. Students who are living in unhealthy environments or making unhealthy choices frequently demonstrate poor academic skills. For example, young teen mothers are less likely to graduate from high school. Fewer than four in ten (38%) mothers who have a child before they turn 18 have a high school diploma (Child Trends, 2010). Furthermore, homeless children are at high risk for falling behind in school due to their constant mobility. Without an opportunity to receive an education, homeless children are much less likely to acquire the skills they need to escape poverty as adults (National Coalition for the Homeless).
The Student Intervention Services staff coordinates with Federal, State, school and community efforts; works to address problems often faced by homeless children and youth in enrolling, attending and succeeding in school; and provides a district Homeless Liaison. The department provides services to foster children, overseen by the Foster Care Specialist. In addition, the Teen Parent program, which offers pregnant students and teen parents the opportunity to become responsible parents and complete graduation requirements, is conducted by Student Intervention Services. District Health Services, including the School Nurse Program, are also coordinated by Student Intervention Services, under the supervision of the Nursing Services Specialist.