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New Business - Insurance

Title: IN2 - Workers' Compensation /HG 134679

I recommend that the School Board approve the Workers' compensation claim of HG, 134679 in the amount of $100,000 representing compensation, attorneys' fees and costs and authorize the execution of all related documents.  This settlement will finalize all outstanding issues.


The Settlement of this claim was recommended by the District's outside counsel and claim adjusters and has been approved by the Chief Counsel, Chief Financial Officer and Director of Employee Benefits and Risk Management as required by District Policy #6.09.

A 58-year-old Custodian sustained back injuries when waxing floors and moving furniture which ultimately resulted in permanent and total disability.

The District has paid over $228,000 in medical benefits, wage loss and expenses to date.  The present value of future estimated benefits exceeds $260,000.

The claim was settled post mediation for $100,000; the District will pay $100,000 and be reimbursed by its excess carrier in the amount of $27,530.64.

 The settlement will extinguish all future liabilities.

Financial Impact:
The financial  impact to the District for this settlement is $100,000 (net approximately $72,000).  The source of funds is the General Fund.

For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)/ Dianne L. Howard

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