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New Business - Agreements/Contracts

Title: AC3 Catapult Learning Nonpublic Schools Title I Program Contract


I recommend that the School Board approve the agreement between the School District of Palm Beach

County and Catapult Learning, LLC to provide supplementary reading and math instructional services to eligible students in 17 nonpublic schools in the amount of $275,000 effective July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and contracts related to the grant which are required for implementation of the grant activities.




Title I, Part A, in No Child Left Behind Act, under Section 1120 (a) (3) requires that educational services and other benefits be provided to eligible private school children.  The services must be equitable in comparison to services and other benefits for public school children and shall be provided in a timely manner.  Specifically this agreement provides:


4     Tutorial services, including assessment, materials, and management, to approximately 200 students in 17 nonpublic school sites, grades 1 - 8, in reading and mathematics;

4     Nonpublic Schools are  Ephesus Jr. Academy, Glades Day School, Lake Worth Christian, Our Savior Lutheran, Redemptive Life Academy, Sacred Heart, St. Ann, St. Juliana, St. Luke, St. Mark, St. Vincent, Daughter of Zion, RJ Hendley Center, All Saints, Miracle By Faith Christian Community School, The Elles School, and Trinity Lutheran;

4     Staff development for participating teachers, including instructional and communication strategies, record keeping, and safety procedures;

4     Parent activities that include program initiation, at least two parent teacher conferences per year, progress reports, parent compacts, and classroom involvement; and

4     End of the year report that reflects student gains based on pre and post tests and standardized tests, staff, parent and student survey reports, documentation of program activities in the nonpublic schools, including newsletters and other communication to parents.


Evaluation of Catapult Title I Nonpublic Schools Program includes:


4     Student gains (Norm Curve Equivalent) based on pre and post tests and standardized tests; and

4     Staff, parent, and student survey reports.


Financial Impact:
The financial impact to Special Revenue Funds – Other Budget is $275,000 for Title I Nonpublic Schools Program.  The Source of the funds is the Title I Basic Grant. All grant related expenditures and contracts are authorized for payment up to the amount of revenue.

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

E. Wayne Gent

Kay W. Scott

Attachments (list):
Catapult Nonpublic Agreement.doc
Non-public NCLB statue.doc
Nonpublic Data Panel.doc

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