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New Business - Agreements/Contracts

Title: AC4 Contract with the Practical Academic Cultural Education, PACE Center for Girls, Inc.

I recommend that the School Board approve the continuation of the Contract with the Practical Academic Cultural Education, PACE Center for Girls, Inc. in order to provide Alternative Educational services from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.


This is the annual contract agreement with the PACE Center for Girls (PACE). This Department of Juvenile Justice Day Treatment Prevention Program will serve up to 60 female youths who are placed through the School District Alternative Education Choice Program process.  The goal of the program is to provide girls between the ages of 12-18 with behavior management, social skills and academic knowledge in a therapeutic environment with the intent to exit the student successfully to the home school at the end of the treatment period.  Length of the program is a maximum of two years, is non-residential and requires an on-site interview. 

PACE will evaluate students through the SRI reading, STAR Math and FCAT tests.  PACE provides the instructional personnel, counseling, classroom facilities, insurance, program evaluation, equipment, supplies and continuation of 3 months counseling and family services while attending their home school.  The School District will provide free and reduced lunch for eligible students, textbooks, transportation and technical assistance.  PACE will be reimbursed 94% of the earned FTE for up to a maximum of sixty (60) students for provision of the instructional program. 

Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the General Fund Budget is 94% of the FTE earned.  The source of funds is FTE Revenue and Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI) Categorical funding.

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets/(akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us

Janice Cover

Jack L. Thompson


Attachments (list):
Data panel PACE 06.xls
PACE SDPBC contract 2006.doc

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