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New Business - Purchasing

Title: P3 ITN 05C-002R for Communications Tower


I recommend approval of the negotiated agreement resulting from ITN 05C-002R for Communications Tower Lease at Western Pines Middle School and authorizing the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all necessary documents.


Approve the Negotiated Agreement resulting from ITN 05C-002R for Communications Tower Lease at Western Pines Middle School. 


·      A cellular tower is needed for the Acreage Community in order to enhance the current weak cellular signal in the western communities.


·      The Principal and School Advisory Council (SAC) are 100% supportive of the proposed tower lease with Verizon Wireless and the need for improved cellular service to the community.


·      The Western Pines Middle School campus layout is conducive to the siting of a cellular tower.


·      The agreement provides for 20 feet of tower space for a satellite receiver unit on one of the proposed five locations on the tower at no charge to the District for use by School Police that would increase our radio coverage in the western areas of the District.


 ·     Verizon will be responsible for all permitting, approvals and construction of the tower at Verizon's expense.


··     The term of lease is one five-year period with three automatic successive five-year(s) extensions and one five-year additional extension by mutual agreement, totaling twenty-five (25) years.


·      Verizon will pay an annual net rent of $9,000 paid in advance for the initial location by Verizon with annual CPI adjustments (not to be less than 103% of the preceding year’s annual rent).


·      Verizon is required to use reasonable efforts to sub-lease the three (3) additional co-locations on the tower for which the School District shall receive the greater of 50% of the annual gross rent or $9,000 per year per co-location.


·      Revenue generated by the commission fee schedule would supplement the school and district budgets.


·         The ITN supporting documentation and lease agreement are attached.   

Financial Impact:
This is a revenue generating contract.

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore (moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

Barry Present

Attachments (list):
ITN 05C-002R Tabulation.pdf
ITN 05C-002R Document.pdf
ITN 05C-002R Vendor List.pdf
ITN 05C-002R Beneficial Interest.pdf
ITN 05C-002R Lease Agreement.pdf
ITN Short Form Lease.pdf
ITN Legal Checklist.pdf

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