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New Business - Grants

Title: G4 Title III No Child Left Behind Act/LEP/Immigrant Student Grant


I recommend that the School Board approve the Title III No Child Left Behind Act/LEP/ Immigrant Student Education Program entitlement grant to the Florida Department of Education in the estimated amount of $3,158,929, effective July 21, 2005 through June 30, 2006, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and contracts related to the grant which are required for implementation of the grant activities.


This grant funding is intended for immigrant students who meet the following eligibility requirements:

Ø       Were not born in any state or U.S. territory or possession;

Ø       Have attended schools in one or more states for less than three complete years; and

Ø       Were enrolled during the 2004-2005 school year in a public school under the jurisdiction of the district or in a nonprofit private school within the district.


The estimated amount of the grant is based on the enrollment of 11,160 immigrant students during the 2004-2005 school year.  Funds are supplemental and may not be used to supplant other funds appropriated for the target population.


Grant expenditures will support critical areas of educational/academic enhancement requested by schools including: computer equipment, curriculum writing, software, tutorial services, instructional materials, family education, translation services, multicultural curriculum resources, student field trips, staff development, recruitment, and retention.


The 2004-2005 achievement data indicates that district Limited English Proficient (LEP) students demonstrated significant gains on progress indicators over time on FCAT reading, writing, science, and mathematics tests.


A district level evaluation will be used to review the overall benefits of the enhancements provided through the grant for the designated immigrant students.  The evaluation of the grant will consist of LEP student achievement data as measured by FCAT reading, writing, mathematics, and science tests.


Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the Special Revenue – Other Fund is an increase in the estimated amount of $3,158,929 from the Title III No Child Left Behind Act/LEP/Immigrant Student Education Program Grant funds. These funds will be allocated to the Department of Multicultural Education budget.  All grant related expenditures and contracts are authorized for payment up to the amount of revenue.

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets(akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

E. Wayne Gent

Margarita P. Pinkos

Attachments (list):
Title III Grant FY06.doc

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