Title: CC3 Consultant Contract for Mangco Inc Recommendation:
I recommend award of the consultant contract with Mangco, Inc. and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.
Description: The consultant shall perform the following services: Function as Master Developer and provide technical expertise to the EDW team in the areas of security and analytical/reporting solutions.
The consultant will provide weekly-customized hands-on training sessions. Through the training and co-development with the Consultant, the EDW team will be able to fast track a higher volume of more flexible and user-friendly reports and graphs.
Evaluator: Marc Baron, Executive Director, DREA
Minority Status: Asian
Financial Impact:
Authorized Amount this Request: $ 120,000
Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $ 0
Total Authorized Amount if Request Approved: $ 120,000
Fund Source: Capital Funds
Consultant Services
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore, MooreJ@PalmBeach.k12.fl.us
Marc Baron
Attachments (list):
Mangco Contract.pdf
Mangco Beneficial Interest.pdf
Mangco New Evaluation.pdf
Mangco Previous Evaluation.pdf
Mangco Legal Checklist.pdf
Mangco Data Panel.pdf