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New Business - Consultant Contracts

Title: CC3A & B Consultant Contract for Wilson Language Training


CC3A I recommend award of the consultant contract with Wilson Language Training for $1,725.00, effective May 1, 2007 through  June 30, 2007 and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents. 

CC3B I recommend award of the consultant contract with Wilson Language Training for $2,567.00, effective May 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007 and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents. 


CC3A Consultant shall perform the following services: The Wilson Fundations Trainer will present multisensory principles and techniques of the Wilson Fundation Program.  It is a 6 hour workshop based on reading research.  Teaching strategies include: direct, multisensory methods, program implementation, group lesson instructions, lesson plan (modeling and practice), student placement, scheduling, keys for success, pacing and progress monitoring.

CC3B Consultant shall perform the following services:  Present multisensory language principals and techniques of the Wilson Reading System (WRS) in a 10 hour workshop based on reading research, 10 critical points of WRS, teaching direct, multisensory methods, program implementation, group lessons, lesson plans, student placement, scheduling, and keys for success, pacing progress monitoring using Wilson Decoding & Encoding (WADE). 

Financial Impact:

Authorized Amount this Request:     $1,725.00

Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date:    $30,050.00

Total Authorized Amount if this Request Approved:  $31,775.00

Authorized Amount this Request:        $2,567.00

Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date:       $31,775.00

Total Authorized Amount if this Request Approved:     $34,342.00

Fund Source:  Special Revenue Funds
                    Consultant Services

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph Moore, MooreJ@palmbeach.k12.fl.us

Brenda Magee, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Learning Support
Russell Feldman, Executive Director, Exceptional Student Education

Attachments (list):
Wilson Language Training Contract A.pdf
Wilson Language Training Contract B.pdf
Wilson Language Training Beneficial Interest.pdf
Wilson Language Training Previous and Component Evaluation.pdf
Wilson Language Training Legal Checklist.pdf
Wilson Language Training Data Panel.pdf

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