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New Business - Grants

Title: G3-2006-07 EETT Entitlement Grant


I recommend that the School Board approve the Title II, Part D - Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) Part I Entitlement Grant in the amount of $544,076, effective through June 30, 2007, and authorize the Superintendent or his designee to sign all related documents and contracts that are required for the implementation of grant activities.



  • The School District of Palm Beach County’s Tech Ambassador and Project SMaRT (Science, Mathematics and Reading Technology) EETT Part I Entitlement grant initiatives seek to:


    • Support student achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools


    • Promote teacher and student technological literacy


    • Encourage the effective integration of technology resources into classroom instruction


  • Projects funded through EETT Part I Entitlement funds will include technology-enhanced learning activities that are designed to help students develop strong reading skills. In addition, a minimum of 25 percent of EETT project funds will be targeted to support professional development activities.


  • All Palm Beach County public, and eligible private, schools are invited to participate in the Tech Ambassador (elementary) and Project SMaRT (secondary) EETT Part I Entitlement grant-funded initiatives (Bulletin #P-12219-SLE/ET).


  • Both school-based and District-level personnel provided input into the writing of the grant application.


  • This agenda item is retroactive as the projected allocation for the EETT Part I Entitlement funds was originally $350,964. However, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) has since certified 2006 roll-forward funds, bringing the total FY07 funds available to $544,076, an increase of $193,112.


  • The EETT Part I Entitlement funds will provide stipends for the ongoing development of technology integration mentors at  the District’s elementary (MOD Squad and Tech Ambassadors) and secondary (SMaRT Ambassadors and Lead Teachers) schools. These technology integration mentors are expected to:


    • Develop multimedia projects that support the District’s curriculum and that incorporate activities aimed at reading improvement, align the projects to the Florida Sunshine State Standards and the National Educational Technology Standards, and integrate the projects into their classroom instruction.


    • Serve as facilitators for the integration of technology at their respective school sites by modeling the effective use of technology in the classroom; training and/or mentoring their colleagues; and sharing projects and information with their students, parents, administration, faculty and staff. 


  • The impact of the EETT grant will be measured as follows:


    • Approval by the FDOE of the 2006-07 Final LEA Project Evaluation Report


    • Performance of participating teachers on the FDOE’s Inventory of Teacher Technology Skills
    • Responses of participating teachers to anecdotal surveys designed to gauge the impact of the EETT grant program  on classroom instruction as well as on the participants’ professional and personal growth


    • The quantity and quality of digital content developed in support of the District’s curriculum and integrated into classroom instruction.

Financial Impact:

The financial impact to the Special Revenue-Other Funds Budget will be an increase of $544,076. There is no financial impact to the Operating Budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets    akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us


Alison Adler


Rich Contartesi

Attachments (list):
2006-07 NCLB_EETT Grant Application.pdf
2005-06 NCLB_EETT Final Report.pdf
EETT Data Panel.pdf

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