E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2007

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Call to Order

  1. Convene:

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. The Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem were led by:

Opening Remarks

  1. Mr. Graham made opening remaks and welcomed everyone.

Approve Board Minutes

  1. None

(Disclosures by Board Members - Chairman: Do any board members have disclosures to make?)

  1. None

Consent Agenda Items

1. Agreements/Contracts
  1. AC1-Affiliation Agreements with Participating Heathcare Agencies
  2. AC2-Cooperative Agreement with Florida Atlantic University
  3. AC3-Cooperative Agreement with Center for Child Development Early Steps Program
  4. AC4-Continuation of the Interagency Transition Agreement with Center for Child Development (Early St
  5. AC5-Standard Agreement to Provide Services to Parentally Placed Private School Students with Disabil
  6. AC6-Standard Cooperative Agreement Shell for use with Community Child Care Centers
  7. AC7-Articulation Agreement between School District of Palm Beach County and Xavier University School
2. Grants
  1. G1-The Picower Foundation College Success Program Grant
  2. G2-The Picower Foundation Grant for Single School Culture for Academics
  3. G3-2006-07 EETT Entitlement Grant
  4. G4-Carl D. Perkins Federal Secondary Vocational & Technical Education Entitlement Grant
  5. G5-Tech Prep Federal Entitlement Grant
  6. G6-Title X, Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program Grant
  7. G7-Title IV, Safe and Drug-Free Schools (SDFS) Entitlement Project Grant
3. Charter Schools
  1. CS1 Termination of Life Skills Center - Glades Area
  2. CS2 Consider Approval of the Renewal Application of Delray Youth Vocational Charter School
  3. CS3-Amendment to June 2006 Charter Agreement for Lakeside Academy
  4. CS4 Amendment to June 2006 Charter Agreement for Bright Futures International Charter School
  5. CS5 Consider Approval of the Renewal Application of G-Star School of the Arts for Motion Pictures an
  6. CS6 Amendment to June 2006 Charter Agreement for Toussaint L’Ouverture for Arts & Social Justice Cha
  7. CS7 Cooperative Agreement Between The City of Boynton Beach and South Tech Academy
4. Personnel
  1. PD1 Personnel Agenda
  2. PD2 - Personnel Addendum
5. Planning
  1. PL1 Interagency Agreement between the University of Florida and the School Board of Palm Beach Count
6. Program Management
  1. Project Modification Chart – FYI Informational Chart ONLY
  2. PM1 Bak MSOA Project Modifications
  3. PM2 Berkshire Elementary Project Modifications
  4. PM3 Liberty Park Elementary Project Modifications
  5. PM4 Loxahatchee Tower Project Modifications and Final
  6. PM5 Rolling Green Elementary Project Modifications
  7. PM6 Seminole Ridge Community High
  8. PM7 Jerry Thomas Elementary Project Modifications
  9. PM8 Boca Raton Community Middle Project Modifications
7. Real Estate
  1. RE-1 Approve Easement Termination / 03-OOO High School
  2. RE2- Boca Raton HS Lease of First Baptist Church for Adult ESOL
  3. RE-3 Roosevelt Full Service
  4. RE-4 Amend Lease with PBC for M&PO Grounds
  5. RE5- Lease Agreement for Montessori Charter School at H.L. Watkins
8. Purchasing
  1. P1 Approve purchase of new equipment and software from School Link Technologies, Inc.
  2. P2 Approve 07C-008B RFP for Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Services
9. Purchasing/Construction
  1. CP-1 AE Agreement for Plumosa ES Modernization
  2. CP-2 AE Agreement for Wellington HS Veterinary Academy
  3. CP-3 CM at Risk Agreement for Roosevelt MS Addition
  4. CP-4 CM at Risk Agreement for Spanish River Bio-Tech Academy Addition
  5. CP-5 Amend CM Agreement for Glades Central High Academy
  6. CP-6 Amend the CM Agreement for Citrus Cove ES Addition
  7. CP-7 Amend CM Agreement for Palm Beach Gardens Elementary Modernization
  8. CP-8 Amend CM Agreement for Forest Park ES Modernization
  9. CP-9 Amend CM Agreement for Allamanda ES Replacement.
  10. CP-10 Amend CM Agreement for Suncoast HS Replacement
  11. CP-11 Amend CM Agreement for Summit/Jog Road ES (03-Y)
  12. CP-12 Renewal of General Contractor Services
  13. CP-13 New and Renewal of Prequalification
10. Consultant Contracts
  1. CC1 Consultant Contract for Kristell Jones-Turner
  2. CC2 Consultant Contract for C. R. Analysis, Inc.
  3. CC3 Consultant Contract for Dr. Mary Ann DuPont
  4. CC4 Consultant Contract for Washington Speakers Bureau
  5. CC5 Amendment to Consultant Contract for EBS Healthcare
  6. CC6 Consultant Contract for Linda Davies
11. Budget
  1. B1 Budget Amendments - March 2007
12. Financial Management
  1. FM1 Internal Accounts Signature Authorization
  2. FM2 Second Quarter Interim Financial Statements
13. Labor Agreements/Contracts
  1. LA1 Cooperative Agreement between the School District and CTA


  1. Phi Delta Kappa Scholarships
  2. Palm Beach Lakes High School Mock Trial Team 1st In State
  3. Haitian Heritage Month
  4. Pat Oliphant Memorial Student Technology Service Scholarship Winners
  5. Palm Beach County Commissioners & Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation Department
  6. Parent Leadership Council
  7. Dreyfoos Debate Team Wins National Honor
  8. Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) Scholarship Recipients

Naming of Schools

  1. Naming of Middle School "02-JJ"
  2. Consider renaming of Boynton Beach Survivors High School

Student Government Report: Student Representative

  1. None

Delegations/Individual Appearances & Reports

  1. Elected Officials:
  2. Delegations:
  3. Agenda Speakers:

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Consent Agenda:

Committee Report

  1. Audit Committee Report:
  2. Construction Oversight and Review Committee (CORC) Report:
  3. Finance Committee Report:
  4. Superintendent's Report:

Unfinished Business

  1. None

Policy review

  1. None

Legal Review

  1. None


  1. None

New Business

Non-Agenda Speakers

  1. Time Certain 7:00 p.m.

Board Discussion Item

  1. New Nutrition Standards - Robinson
  2. Grammar and Vocabulary Instruction - Robinson
  3. Board Protocol - Richmond


  1. Time:

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