Title: CC 5A -B Consultant Contract for Mondo Publishing Recommendation:
CC 5A I recommend award of the Consultant contract with Mondo Publishing for $420,000.00 effective July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.
CC 5B I recommend award of the Consultant contract with Mondo Publishing for $140,000.00 effective June 7, 2007 through June 30, 2007 and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.
Description: CC 5A -B The Consultant shall perform the following services: Literacy leading to graduation is the major district focus for the FY08 school year. In order to have a positive impact on the graduation rate, it is crucial that literacy is the main focus at the elementary level as well as the secondary level.
This contract will allow the district to implement a comprehensive literacy professional development initiative for all elementary schools across the district. The Palm Beach County Instructional Leadership for Literacy Academy will focus on professional development for all levels of the system; district leadership, school leadership, and instructional staff. The central goal of the academy is to impact educational leaders and classroom teachers. This will be accomplished through a year-long professional development academy that focuses on specific instructional and leadership practices linked to the specific literacy data of their students. Since this includes all AYP subgroups, all instructional-driven departments will support this professional development (Exceptional Student Education, Multicultural, Supplemental Educational Services, Safe Schools, Assessment).
The provision of this professional development for all elementary administrators and instructional staff will result in a succinct focus on literacy and a consistent understanding of the reading process, assessment, and instruction. It will set a common base for discussion among all elementary administrators and educators, thereby, increasing fidelity of implementation of the district's K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan.
CC 5B is submitted late because required contract signatures and funding arrangments could be not obtained prior to the deadline for submission of May agenda items.
Financial Impact:
Authorized Amount this Request: $420,000.00
Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $0.00
Total Authorized Amount if this Request Approved: $420,000.00
Fund Source: Operating Budget Consultant Services
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph Moore, MooreJ@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Brenda Magee, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Learning Support
Attachments (list):
Mondo Publishing Contract A.pdf
Mondo Publishing Contract B.pdf
Mondo Publishing Beneficial Interest.pdf
Mondo Publishing Legal Checklist A.pdf
Mondo Publishing Legal Checklist B.pdf
Mondo Publishing Data Panel.pdf
Mondo Training Calendar (2).doc