Title: AC11-Cooperative Agreement with The Agency for Health Care Administration Recommendation:
I recommend that the School Board approve this continuation of the Cooperative Agreement with the Agency for Health Care Administration for the Provision and Reimbursement of Medicaid Administrative Claiming Activities and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents related to this agreement. The effective dates of this Cooperative Agreement are January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2012.
Description: In order to address an oversight on their part, the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) has requested each school board in the state approve the attached contract effective retroactively from January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2012. This will allow for uninterrupted Medicaid reimbursement services to continue to be received by the district.
This ten year agreement, solely for administrative claiming, is required by AHCA in order to implement the Medicaid state plan under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. This agreement does not include fee-for-service billing.
School Districts have been encouraged to bill Medicaid for reimbursement of administrative activities.
The School District of Palm Beach County has received reimbursements for administrative claiming activities of approximately $3.2 million in 2005 and $26.2 million to date.
The original cooperative agreement with AHCA was received from the state and approved by the Board on September 17, 2003, (item 9A-1). That agreement was written to cover a five year period, effective from the inception of Medicaid Administrative Claiming in the district, January 1, 1998 through December 31, 2002. This ten year agreement is a continuation of the original agreement.
There is no penalty for previous claims, prior to this Board meeting date, or subsequent claims due to the AHCA oversight.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the District.
For Additional Information, contact:
Ann Killets (akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us) Brenda Magee, Ed.D. Russell Feldman
Attachments (list):
Contract Review Checklist.pdf
Data Panel.pdf