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New Business - Grants

Title: G21-Tobacco Prevention and Intervention Teacher Training Project


I recommend that the School Board approve the Florida Department of Education’s Tobacco Prevention and Intervention Teacher Training Project for $60,000, effective July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to sign all documents and contracts related to the grant which are required for implementation of the grant.


§         The purpose of the grant is to provide teacher training in Tobacco Use Prevention and Intervention in order to reduce tobacco use in the School District.

§         Tobacco use interferes with academic achievement. “Smoking is often associated with poor school performance, low aspirations, alcohol and other drug use, school absences, and anticipated dropping out “(p. 794-795).  (Committee on Substance Abuse, “Tobacco’s Toll: Implications for the Pediatrician.” Pediatrics, 107.4 (2001), p. 794-798).

§         Funds will be used to create, conduct and monitor on line courses for elementary and secondary teachers on teaching tobacco prevention lessons that are correlated with Sunshine State Standards.

§         Scene Screeners materials from the Centers for Disease Control for high schools will be provided for the teachers to utilize in their classes and Channing Bete Tobacco Prevention Lesson materials for elementary and secondary schools will be purchased for the teachers to use in their classrooms.

Financial Impact:

The financial impact to the Special Revenue-Other Funds Budget is an increase of $60,000 for one year. All grant related expenditures and contracts are authorized for payment up to the amount of revenue.  There is no financial impact to the Operating Budget.

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets   akillets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us    


Alison Adler

Attachments (list):
Data Panel Tobacco Grant.pdf
Tobacco Grant Application.pdf

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