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New Business - Consultant Contracts

Title: CC3 A-B Consultant Contracts for Sharon Koskoff

I recommend award of the consultant contract with Sharon Koskoff for $25,800 effective August 16, 2007 through August 16, 2008 and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.

Description: Design and Paint Murals, as per proposal. See Exhibit "C" (Data Panel).

Financial Impact:

Authorized Amount this Request: $25,800

Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $0

Total Authorized Amount if Request Approval: $25,800

For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore, moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us

Carole Shetler, Area Superintendent
Marisol Ferrer, Area Superintendent

Attachments (list):
Sharon Koskoff Contract A.pdf
Sharon Koskoff Contract B.pdf
Sharon Koskoff Evaluation A.pdf
Sharon Koskoff Evaluation B.pdf
Sharon Koskoff Legal Checklist A.pdf
Sharon Koskoff Legal Checklist B.pdf
Sharon Koskoff Data Panel A.pdf
Sharon Koskoff Data Panel B.pdf
Sharon Koskoff Beneficial Interest.pdf

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