E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2007

spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING

Call to Order

  1. Convene:

Pledge of Allegiance

Opening Remarks

Approve Board Minutes

(Disclosures by Board Members - Chairman: Do any board members have disclosures to make?)

Consent Agenda Items

1. Agreements/Contracts
  1. AC1-Contract with the Literacy Coalition for Glades Area Family Literacy Program
  2. AC2-Memorandum of Understanding between Department of Juvenile Justice-Circuit FifIteen Probation an
  3. AC3-Cooperative Agreement with the Board of County Commissioners-Highridge
  4. AC4-Cooperative Agreement with the PBC Sheriff's Office's Eagle Academy
  5. AC5-Cooperative Agreement with the Drug Abuse Treatment Association (DATA) Kelly Center
  6. AC6-Cooperative Agreement with the Comprehensive Alcoholism Rehabilitation Program (CARP)
  7. AC7-Amendment 13 Recreation Funding for Middle School After-School Programs
  8. AC8 Continued Funding of Education Commission, PBC, FL
  9. AC9-Renew Agreement with PBC Commissioners for Head Start Delegate Agency
  10. AC10-Cooperative Agreement with AccesSportAmerica
  11. AC11-Interagency Agreement with Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and Coalition for Inde
2. Grants
  1. G1-Reading First Continuance Grant for Phase 1 Schools
  2. G2-Consider Approval of Grants for the Ongoing Support of the Village Academy
  3. G3-Reading First Continuance Grant for Phase 2 Schools
3. Transportation
  1. T1 Contracted Individual Transportation
  2. T2 Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority
4. Personnel
  1. PD1-Personnel Agenda
  2. PD2 - Personnel Addendum
  3. PD3 - Personnel Addendum
5. Planning
  1. PL1 - Interlocal Agreement between the School Board of Palm Beach County and the Boynton Beach Comm
6. Real Estate
  1. RE-1 Approve Amendment No.1 Modification of Restrictions/City of Pahokee
  2. RE-2 Community Use of School Facilities – Leasing
  3. RE-3 Okeeheelee MS/Sprint Spectrum-Generator Installa
7. Purchasing
  1. P1 Approve 07C-012B - RFP for Speech and Language Services
  2. P2 License Agreement for Planting Seeds for Success 2007 at the Palm Beach County Convention Cente
  3. P3 Approve the Purchase and Pick-up of Off-Adoption Surplus Textbooks
  4. P4 Approve the Purchase of AirTight Networks Wireless Intrusion Prevention System
  5. P5 Approve the Purchase of the Hosting Site for the Florida Dept of Education Cost Report Software
8. Purchasing/Construction
  1. CP-1 New and Renewal of Prequalification
9. Consultant Contracts
  1. CC1 A-K Consultant Contracts for SMILE Youth Services
  2. CC2 Consultant Contract with Junior Achievement of the Palm Beaches
  3. CC3 A-B Consultant Contracts for Sharon Koskoff
  4. CC4 Consultant Contract for Margaret Mitchell Kallman, LMHC, CAP PA
  5. CC5 Consultant Contract for Bonnie Valdes
  6. CC6 Consultant Contract for Marsha Kufel
  7. CC7 Consultant Contract for Shaping Behavior
10. Financial Management
11. Insurance
  1. IN1 Workers' Compensation /SH 127433
12. Labor Agreements/Contracts
  1. LA1 - Waiver Request and MOU between the School District and CTA extending the school day at UB Kins


  1. Superintendent's Efficiency and Effectiveness Award Winner
  2. Jeffrey Haskel-Chess Champion
  3. Sportsmanship In High School Athletics
  4. Lizbeth Martinez-National Essay Contest Winner
  5. Retired Educators Association Scholarship Recipients

Naming of Schools

Student Government Report: Student Representative

Delegations/Individual Appearances & Reports

Approval of Consent Agenda

Committee Report

Unfinished Business

Policy review

Legal Review


New Business

Non-Agenda Speakers

Board Discussion Item

  1. Professional Volunteers - Kanjian


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