E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
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New Business - Personnel

Title: PD2-Master Inservice Plan

I recommend that the School Board approve the Master Inservice Plan to include new components added since April 18, 2007.


Florida Statutes 1012.585 and 1012.985 and State Board of Education Rule 6A.5071 require the development and maintenance of an inservice education and training program for all employees. 

The Master Inservice Plan, coordinated through the Office of Organizational Effectiveness, must contain all training components leading to certification.  It is based on documentation of the assessment process utilized to determine inservice training needs.  Each component shall remain in the plan for a period of at least five (5) years.

The current listing consists of active components and new components which cover a variety of topic areas, including instructional strategies, non-instructional strategies, safe schools, technology, social studies, assessment, fine arts, language arts, learning styles, mathematics, reading, and science. 

A current listing of inservice components and copies of the new components are on file in
the Board Minutes Office for your review. The current list of inservice components can also
be viewed on the Staff Development web site.


Financial Impact:

For Additional Information, contact:

Ann Killets, CAO (killets@palmbeach.k12.fl.us)

Darron Davis

Connie Gregory 

Attachments (list):
Microsoft Word - 21st Century Classroom - Digital Ink.pdf
Microsoft Word - 21st Century Classroom - Digital Still Imaging.pdf
Microsoft Word - 21st Century Classroom - Digital Video.pdf
Microsoft Word - 21st Century Classroom - Sound Field Enhancement.pdf
Microsoft Word - 21st Century Classroom - Student Response Systems.pdf
Microsoft Word - AAC Component.pdf
Microsoft Word - Adobe Connect.pdf
Microsoft Word - Adobe Presenter.pdf
Microsoft Word - Assessing Infant and Toddler ITERS.pdf
Microsoft Word - AT-Access Component 5-07.pdf
Microsoft Word - College Board PCSP.pdf
Microsoft Word - College Board SpringBoard.pdf
Microsoft Word - Customer Service Learning.pdf
Microsoft Word - Developing Speech, Comprehension, and Language in DHH Students.pdf
Microsoft Word - Developmentally Appropriaye Practices.pdf
Microsoft Word - Digital Photography.pdf
Microsoft Word - ESY Component.pdf
Microsoft Word - Florida Master Naturalist Program - Coastal Systems of Florida.pdf
Microsoft Word - Florida Master Naturalist Program- Upland Habitats of Florida.pdf
Microsoft Word - Florida Master Naturalist Program- Wetland Systems of FL.pdf
Microsoft Word - K-12 Science Strategies.pdf
Microsoft Word - Leadership in Performance and System Design.pdf
Microsoft Word - Online Teaching.pdf
Microsoft Word - Program Administration Scale.pdf
Microsoft Word - Severe Language Learning Disabilities.pdf
Microsoft Word - SLI Policies Procedures.pdf
Microsoft Word - SMILE COMPONENT.pdf
Microsoft Word - Steps in Time 19th century.pdf
Microsoft Word - Teaching English Language Learners.pdf
Microsoft Word - TV Production Part 1 component.pdf
data panal.pdf

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