E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007

spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING

Call to Order

  1. Convene:

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem were led by:

Opening Remarks

  1. Mr. Graham made opening remarks.

Approve Board Minutes

  1. None

(Disclosures by Board Members - Chairman: Do any board members have disclosures to make?)

  1. None

Consent Agenda Items

1. Curriculum/Learning Support
  1. CLS1-Adults with Disabilities Grant
  2. CLS2-Proposal to Obtain Radio license from FCC
2. Agreements/Contracts
  1. AC1-Family Central Rate Agreement for Subsidized Child Care
  2. AC2-Memorandum of Agreement with Prevention Partnerships for Children, Inc. (PPC).
  3. AC3-Pine Jog Environmental Education Center Agreement
  4. AC4-Interagency Agreement Between the School Board of Palm Beach County and Children’s Services Coun
  5. AC5-Amendment 1 to the Head Start Delegate Agency Agreement
3. Grants
  1. G1-School Readiness Rate Agreement with Early Childhood Education
  2. G2-PrimeTime Champs Afterschool Enrichment Initiative
  3. G3-Contract to Provide QIS Coaching/Technical Assistance
  4. G4-Agreement with United Way of Palm Beach County, Inc.
  5. G5-Learning for Life Grant Application
  6. G6-Boys and Girls Club Mentoring Services Grant
4. Charter Schools
  1. CS1-Fourth Amendment to Charter Agreement for Western Academy
  2. CS2-Second Amendment to Charter Agreement for Delray Youth Vocational Charter School
  3. CS3-Termination of Montessori of Northern Palm Beach Charter School
5. Transportation
  1. T1 Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority
6. Personnel
  1. PD1 Personnel Agenda
  2. PD2-Master Inservice Plan
  3. PD3 Personnel Addendum
7. Planning
  1. PL1 MerryPlace Development Cooperative Agreement and Teacher Eligibility Criteria
8. Program Management
  1. Project Modification Chart – FYI Informational Chart ONLY
  2. PM1 Coral Reef Elementary Project Modifications
9. Real Estate
  1. RE-1 Boca Raton High School/Sprint Spectrum-Generator Installation
  2. RE-2 Seacrest Campus (“Old” Atlantic HS)/Sprint Spectrum-Generator Installation
  3. RE-3 Calusa Elementary/Sprint Spectrum-Generator Installation
  4. RE-4 (03-W) Royal Palm Beach Area Elementary
  5. RE-5 (05-C) Western Boca Raton Elementary Site Acquisition
  6. RE-6 Broadmoor Seventh Amendment
10. Purchasing
  1. P1 Approve 04C-003B - RFP for Employee Assistance Program
  2. P2 Approve 04C-001HN RFP for Prequalification of CPA Firms
  3. P3 Approve 04C-004B - RFP for Printing Services
  4. P4 Approve Statements of Work for Managesoft Software Test and Production Upgrade
  5. P5 Additional Expenditure Request for RFP 05C-010N Environmental Consulting Services
  6. P6 Approve Additional Expenditure for RFP 05C-009N Asbestos and Industrial Hygiene Consulting
  7. P7 Approve the Agreement with RFP Depot, LLC.
11. Purchasing/Construction
  1. CP-1 New and Renewal of Prequalifications
  2. CP-2 Renewal of Architectural Services on Continuing Contract
12. Consultant Contracts
  1. CC1 Consultant Contract for Florida Atlantic University College of Nursing
  2. CC2 Consultant Contract for Whatever It Takes, Inc.
  3. CC3 Consultant Contract for Gulfstream Council of Boy Scouts of America, Inc.
  4. CC4 Consultant Contract for Boys and Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County
  5. CC5 Consultant Contract for Darren Smith
  6. CC6 Consultant Contract for J Davis Percussion Services
  7. CC7 Consultant Contract for Jeff Bridges
  8. CC8 Consultant Contract for Center for Creative Education, Inc.
  9. CC9 A-C Consultant Contracts for Smile Youth Services
  10. CC10 Consultant Contracts for Professional Development for Achievement, Inc.
  11. CC11 Consultant Contracts for Glass Productions, Inc.
13. Financial Management
14. Insurance
  1. IN1 Auto Liability /TC 674812
  2. IN2 Auto Liability /AT 761875


  1. International Science and Engineering Fair Winners
  2. National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Month
  3. 2007 SECME Winners
  4. Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month
  5. Future Authors Writing Workshop
  6. 2007 National Academic Games Winners
  7. Wellington High School-Drum Majorettes National Champions

Naming of Schools

  1. None

Student Government Report: Student Representative

Delegations/Individual Appearances & Reports

  1. Elected Officials:
  2. Delegations:
  3. Agenda Item Speakers:

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Consent Agenda

Committee Report

  1. Audit Committee Report:
  2. Construction Oversight and Review Committee (CORC) Report:
  3. Finance Committee Report:
  4. Superintendent's Report:

Unfinished Business

  1. None

Policy review

  1. None

Legal Review

  1. LR-1 Outside Counsel Contract with Weiss, Serota, Helfman, Pastoriza, Cole & Boniske, P.L.


  1. None

New Business

Non-Agenda Speakers

  1. Time Certain 7:00 p.m.

Board Discussion Item

  1. Government and Public Administration Magnet - Richmond
  2. Florida Municipal Construction Insurance Trust - Graham
  3. Riviera Beach Elementary Boundaries - Robinson


  1. Time:

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