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New Business - Consultant Contracts

Title: CC3 Dr. Greg Brigman of Atlantic Education Consultants


I recommend award of the consultant contracts CC3A and CC3B with Dr. Greg Brigman of Atlantic Education Consultants, and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.


CC3A  The consultant shall perform the following services:  Consultant will provide training in Student Success Skills for 75 elementary, middle and high school counselors.  Each counselor will receive 15 hours of training, a full set of materials and follow-up as they implement the 12 hour program with students.  Dr. Brigman charges $400 per counselor.  Data is attached that describes the success of this program.


CC3B  The consultant shall perform the following services:  Consultant will provide the Student Success Skills Teacher Program training to school counselors in elementary, middle and high schools.  Consultant will meet with Program Integration Team to continue development, implementation and evaluation of Student Success for targeted school sites.

Financial Impact:



Authorized Amount this Request: $ 30,000.00


Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $ 9,750.00


Total Authorized Amount if Request Approved: $ 39,750.00


Fund Source: Special Revenue Funds

                          Consultant Services




Authorized Amount this Request: $ 2,000.00


Previously Authorized Amount Year-to-Date: $39,750.00


Total Authorized Amount if Request Approved: $ 41,750.00


Fund Source: Special Revenue Funds

                          Consultant Services


For Additional Information, contact:

Joseph M. Moore, MooreJ@PalmBeach.k12.fl.us


CC3A  Judith Klinek, Director of Supplemental Educational Services


CC3B  Alison Adler, Chief of Safety and Learning Environment

Attachments (list):
Dr. Greg Brigman Contract CC3A.pdf
Dr. Brigman Contract CC3B.pdf
Dr. Brigman Beneficial Interest.pdf
Dr. Brigman New Evaluation.pdf
Dr. Greg Brigman Previous Evaluation.pdf
Dr. Greg Brigman Checklist.pdf
Dr. Brigman Data Panel.pdf

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