Title: PL1 Park Vista High School Flyloft and Orchestra Pit Bond Agreement Recommendation:
I recommend the School Board approve the First Amendment to the Bond Agreement between PBC and the School Board of PBC for the combined funding of the Full Flyloft and Orchestra Pit for Park Vista HIgh School.
- This is an amendment to the previously approved Bond Agreement for the full flyloft at Park Vista High School.
- The School Board previously entered into a Bond Agreement with the County for funding of the construction of the full flyloft at Park Vista High School.
- The flyloft project funding source was provided through the initial Bond Agreement and included only the full flyloft. The orchestra pit funding was a separate funding source provided through the County’s Recreation Assistance Program (RAP). This amendment combines both projects in the Bond Agreement for a total of $200,000.
- The total cost of the project is $231,301.08. The County Commissioner for District 3 has agreed to contribute up to $200,000 towards the improvements for both projects.
- The completed project will be open to and benefit the residents of Palm Beach County as well as Palm Beach County students, subject to the policy and terms agreed upon in the Mutual Use of Recreational Facilities Interlocal Agreement between the County and School Board.
Financial Impact:
$200,000 will be funded through Capital Contingency with reimbursement from Palm Beach County. The remaining difference of $31,301.08 is being funded from the project's capital budget.
For Additional Information, contact:
moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us; sanchesj@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Attachments (list):
Legal Checklist.pdf