Title: RFP 02C-001S for Underwriters Description: AppApprove the Renewal of RFP 02C-001S for Underwriters.
· Request for Proposal No. 02C-001S was awarded by Board action on December 12, 2001, to A G Edwards, Bear Stearns & Company, Inc., Salomon Smith Barney, Jackson Securities, Inc., William Hough & Co., and Paine Webber, for three years from December 13, 2001 through December 12, 2004, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods.
· The first option to renew is now being exercised for the period December 13, 2004 through December 12, 2005.
· A G Edwards, Bear Stearns & Company, Inc., Citigroup, Inc., (formerly Salomon Smith Barney), Jackson Securities, Inc., RBC Dain Rauscher, (formerly William R. Hough & Co.), UBS Financial Services, (formerly Paine Webber), have agreed to honor terms, conditions and pricing of existing contract for the forthcoming contract period.
I recommend the renewal of RFP 02C-001S for Underwriters and authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all needed documents.
Financial Impact:
There is no anticipated financial impact to the District for this contract period.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore, moorej@palmbeach.k12.fl.us
Leanne Evans