Title: Budget Amendments - October 2004 Description:
These amendments reflect all budget adjustments for the month of October.
1. General Fund
2. Capital Projects Funds
3. Special Revenue Funds - Other Federal Programs
I recommend the School Board approve the following budget amendments for FY 2005.
Financial Impact:
The financial impact to the General Fund is an increase of $1,079,246. The financial impact to the Capital Projects Funds is an increase of $750,211. The financial impact to the Special Revenue Funds - Other Federal Programs is an increase of $6,843,343. These funds have been appropriated in reserve, school, and department budgets. Appropriations in all funds have been amended to direct resources where needed.
For Additional Information, contact:
Joseph M. Moore (moorej@mail.palmbeach.k12.fl.us)
Michael J. Burke
Attachments (list):
October 2004 Amendments.pdf