Title: (Q) - Personnel Disciplinary Action Description: During the 2003/2004 school year, Priscilla R. Gibson became the subject of a Professional Standards investigation based upon allegations that she converted approximately three hundred dollars ($300.00) of funds for her own use. As a result, Ms. Gibson entered into a Last Chance Agreement & General Release and agreed to accept a ten (10) workday suspension.
I recommend that the School Boad approve Priscilla R. Gibson's Suspension Without Pay for ten (10) workdays effective January 20, 2005, through February 2, 2005.
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the school district.
For Additional Information, contact:
Gerald A. Williams (williamsg@palmbeach.k12.fl.us); James Hayes, Jr.; Raymond T. Miller [Ray Miller (Prof. Std.)]
Attachments (list):
Petition-Gibson PR-01-19-05.doc
LCA&GR-Gibson PR-01-19-05.doc
Exhibits-Gibson PR-01-19-05.doc