E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2005

spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD MEETING

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Dreyfoos School of the Arts Singers Ensemble

Opening Remarks

Approve Board Minutes

  1. Approval of Board Minutes

(Disclosures by Board Members - Chairman: Do any board members have disclosures to make?)

  1. Board Member Disclosures - None

Consent Agenda Items

1. Curriculum/Learning Support
  1. (B) - Challenge Grants - Gifted Education Program
  2. (C) - Agreement - Devereux Foundation
  3. (D) - Agreement - TV and Film Funds
  4. (E) - Coalition for Independent Living Options
  5. (G) - Field Trip Request - Boca Raton High School
2. Charter Schools
  1. (K) - Second Year Implementation Grant for 3 Charter Schools
3. Transportation
  1. (M) - Contracted Individual Transportation
4. Personnel
  1. Personnel Addendum
5. Professional Standards
  1. (Q) - Personnel Disciplinary Action
6. Program Management
  1. (U) - Educational Specification for Rolling Green Elem School
  2. (V) - Project Modifications for Christa McAuliffe
  3. (W) - Project Modifications for Omni Middle School
  4. (AA) - Project Modifications & Final Payment for Whispering Pines Roof
7. Real Estate
  1. (BB) - First Amendment – Interlocal Agreement – Village of Palm Springs
  2. (DD) - Purchase Of Properties Adjacent To Highland Elementary
8. Maintenance
  1. (GG) - Project Modifications for Exterior Painting Contract
9. Purchasing
  1. (II) - Somat Kitchen Equipment Repairs
10. Purchasing/Construction
  1. (MM) - New Prequalified Vendors and Renewal of existing Prequalified Vendors
11. Consultant Contracts
  1. (QQ) - Consultant Contract with FAU College of Nursing
  2. (RR) - Consultant Contract with The Flippen Group LLC
  3. (SS) - Consultant Contract with Florida Realtime Reporting
12. Financial Management
  1. (UU) - Consider Disposition of Tangible Personal Property Report
  2. (WW) - School District of Palm Beach County Internal Accounts Authorized Signatures
13. Insurance
  1. (XX) - Workers' Compensation Settlement/DG


  1. Pahokee Middle/Senior High School Repeat State Football Champions
  2. National Board Certified Teachers
  3. Kaleidoscope 2005
  4. New Principals’ Training Institute and Washington Mutual Corporate Giving
  5. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Accredited Schools
  6. RESOLUTION - Recognizing Sandra Bosso-Pardo to the Judicial Bench

Naming of Schools

Student Government Report: Student Representative

Delegations/Individual Appearances & Reports

  1. Dr. John Pritchett; Dr. Marilyn Parker; Teri Harmon; Shelly Gottsagen; Gary Mitten
  2. CORC Report as submitted **
  3. Superintendent's Report as submitted ***

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of Consent Agenda

Audit Committee Report

  1. Next meeting will be held on 2/11/05 at 8:30 a.m. in conference rooms A & B

Unfinished Business

Policy review

Legal Review


  1. Expulsion of Student 04/05-X-011
  2. Expulsion of Student 04/05-X-013
  3. Expulsion of Student 04/05-X-014
  4. Expulsion of Student 04/05-X-015
  5. Expulsion of Student 04/05-X-018
  6. Early Reinstatement of 03/04-X-115

New Business

1. Curriculum/Learning Support
  1. (A) - Field Trip Request - Gold Coast School of Choice
  2. (F) - School Improvement Plans
2. Charter Schools
  1. (L) - Application for Two Charter Schools
3. Personnel
  1. (N) - Agreement with FAU for the Intensive Teacher Education Development (I-TED) Project
  2. (O) - Personnel Agenda
  3. (P) - Personnel Agenda Addendum
4. Agreements/Contracts
  1. (H) - PBC Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement
  2. (I) - Agreement - Town of Lantana
  3. (J) - Foster Grandparent Program
5. Program Management
  1. (R) - Educational Specification West Technical Ed Center
  2. (S) - Educational Specification for Westward Elementary School
  3. (T) - Educational Specification for Barton Elementary School
  4. (X) - Project Modifications- West Boynton Area ES (03-V)
  5. (Y) - Project Modifications & Retainage Boca Raton Hgh Modernization
  6. (Z) - Project Modifications and Retainage for Calusa
6. Real Estate
  1. (CC) - Approve The Sugarcane Purchase Renewal Agreement
  2. (EE) - Lease Agreement / Montessori Academies of P. B. County
  3. (FF) - Lease Agreement – Office Space On South Congress Avenue
7. Purchasing
  1. (HH) - Negotiated Contract with Avaya
  2. (JJ) - Geospatial Technologies, Inc.
8. Purchasing/Construction
  1. (KK) - Award of Reroofing Bid to National Roofing South Florida, Inc. for Jerry Thomas Elementary Sc
  2. (LL) - Award of an Interior Painting Bid to Fleicher's Painting
9. Consultant Contracts
  1. (NN) - Consultant Contract with Michael J. Brezin
  2. (OO) - Consultant Contract with Merador, LLC
  3. (PP) - Consultant Contract with Smile Youth Services Inc
10. Budget
  1. (TT) - Budget Amendments – November 2004
11. Financial Management
  1. (VV) - Interim Financial Statements for the Five Month Period Ended November 30, 2004
12. Insurance
  1. (YY) - Workers' Compensation Settlement/HL
  2. (ZZ) - Workers' Compensation Settlement/NC

Non-Agenda Speakers

  1. Pamela Nevins;

Board Discussion Item

  1. Commemoration of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Robinson
  2. Health Fair for District Employees - Robinson
  3. F-CAT Testing Schedule - Robinson
  4. Signs on School Campuses - Robinson
  5. Request for Workshop on the LEED Green Building Council - Benaim
  6. State of Florida Grading Scale - Benaim
  7. Junior High vs. Middle Schools - Richmond
  8. Coordinating Information for Those Interested in the Field of Education - Richmond
  9. Establishing a "Where to Turn for Help for Students" - Richmond
  10. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Robinson
  11. FSBA Wellness and Obesity Meeting - Burdick
  12. Request for School Safety Efforts Workshop - Burdick


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