Title: RESOLUTION - Recognizing Sandra Bosso-Pardo to the Judicial Bench Description: Sandra Bosso-Pardo has served the School Board as Senior Associate Counsel in the Legal Services Department since 2002. Ms. Bosso-Pardo earned her law degree at Stetson University College of Law and has been an active member of The Florida Bar for 25 years. She has a well-deserved reputation for intelligence, professionalism, and impartiality among her collegues in the legal community.
I recommend the School Board approve the Resolution recognizing the Honorable Sandra Bosso-Pardo for her appointment to the judicial bench and for her distinguished service to the School Board.
Financial Impact:
For Additional Information, contact:
Gerald A. Williams
Nat Harrington
Vickie Middlebrooks
Attachments (list):
RESOLUTION-6 Sandy Basso-Pardo.doc