Food Day is a nationwide celebration of healthy, affordable, and sustainably produced food, and a grassroots campaign for better food policies. It builds all year long and culminates on October 24.
On October 24, 2012 The School District of Palm Beach County participated in the 2nd annual Food Day. The School Food Service (SFS) Department and Pero Family Farms® partnered together to set up a table with The OrganWise Guys nutrition education materials and delicious locally grown produce which included mini sweet peppers, zucchini, yellow squash, green beans, and grape tomatoes at S.D. Spady Elementary in Delray Beach. Students and staff enjoyed the opportunity to taste Fresh from the Farm produce during their lunch meal.
In addition to the event held at S.D. Spady Elementary, school district representatives participated in a community panel discussion held at the Mounts Botanical Garden Auditorium. Steve Bonino, Director of School Food Service and Chair of the District’s Wellness Promotion Task Force and Paula Triana, Assistant Director of School Food Service and Co-Chair of the District’s Wellness Promotion Task Force shared their experiences and strategies on how they have improved the nutritional integrity of school meals served in Palm Beach County.
To promote Food Day, the SFS Department put together a Press Release which highlighted the community events. The District’s Public Affairs Department distributed the press release to the community-at-large and there was media coverage at both events.
- default_titleRaise awareness about food issues and educate the public.
- default_titleImprove food policies on local, state, and federal levels.
- default_titleProvide a platform for dialogue and strengthen the food movement.
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- default_titleReduce diet-related disease by promoting safe, healthy foods.
- default_titleSupport sustainable farms to limit subsidies to big agribusiness.
- default_titleExpand access to food and alleviate hunger.
- default_titleProtect the environment and animals by reforming factory farms.
- default_titlePromote health by curbing junk food marketing to kids.
- default_titleSupport fair conditions for food and farm workers.
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