Ethics in Action – Your Character Counts! was introduced in the 2011-2012 school year to showcase the efforts of high schools building on student ethics education. Elementary and middle schools continued using Character Education materials and lessons to support the Character Counts! initiatives.
The Third Annual High School Ethics Bowl was Saturday, February 15, 2014. Palm Springs Community Middle School was the host site for 13 area high schools that entered 18 student teams:
- default_titleBoca Raton Community High
- default_titleJohn I. Leonard High
- default_titleLake Worth Community High
- default_titleOlympic Heights Community High
- default_titlePalm Beach Gardens Community High
- default_titlePalm Beach Central Community High
- default_titleRoyal Palm Beach Community High
- default_titleSantaluces Community High
- default_titleSpanish River Community High
- default_titleSuncoast High
- default_titleWest Boca Community High
- default_titleWilliam T. Dwyer High
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Oxbridge Academy, a private high school in West Palm Beach, participated for the first time in the 2013-2014 school year.
The teams debated ethical dilemmas before a panel of three judges and one moderator. These judges and moderators consisted of community and business leaders, including the State District Attorney, the vice mayor/former school board member, the chairman of the School Board, current and former School Board members, and District personnel. After three rounds of competition, teams from Boca Raton Community High and Lake Worth Community High, had garnered the highest point totals to move on to the final round. After debating on two very timely issues, Trayvon Martin and the Use of Lethal Force and Legalization of Marijuana, Lake Worth Community High was proclaimed the winner for the third time. Sponsorship from the Center for Applied Ethics at Palm Beach State College awarded the top five student teams with medals. All participating team members received certificates.
The Lake Worth Community High School team went on to compete at the national level, by attending the 2nd Annual National High School Ethics Bowl at the Parr Center for Ethics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.