The 2016 Wellness Promotion Policy Annual Report
The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida

"It's important that our District make health and wellness a priority. We want to bring energy and enthusiasm to the important work of educating our children and this requires that our employees are in the best health possible. As role models to our students, the example of a healthy lifestyle starts with us."
District Wellness
Wellness existed in Palm Beach County prior to the mandate from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), through the Child...Read More.
Other School Based Activities
The District is committed to providing a school environment that enhances learning and development of lifelong wellness...Read More.
Nutrition Education
Finding creative and exciting ways to promote and infuse nutrition education at both the school and community levels is the vital to...Read More.
Nutrition Standards/Promotion
Each year it is important to assess and create an action plan to ensure implementation with the United States Department of Agriculture???s...Read More.
Physical Activity
To promote physical activity with the objective of improving students??? health, academic achievement, and reducing childhood obesity...Read More.
Resources are instrumental throughout the wellness journey. As we are united - the wealth of resource information grows abundantly...Read More.
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