Page 8 - FDLRS Focus 2019
P. 8

SIM at Tradewinds Middle School

         Ms. Fine’s Learning Strategies Classes Tradewinds MS

         Ms. Fine’s Learning Strategies students are serious about sentence
         writing. Ms. Fine began the year with Fundamentals of Sentence Writing
         and her students are now learning to write compound sentences.  They
         are proud of their accomplishments, and they are eager to participate
         in the next stage of learning. Her students are using the strategy in
         their content area classes with great success.  The students are excited
         about mastering compound sentences and moving on to complex and
         compound-complex sentences before the end of the year.  The students
         keep their progress charts, cue cards and learning sheets in an organized
         binder.  Ms. Fine will be attending the SIM Professional Developer’s
         Institute this summer, and she is using her students’ successes as part of
         her portfolio.

        SIM at LC Swain Middle School

         Ms. Blackshire’s 6th Grade Learning Strategies Class-LC Swain Middle School

         Walking into Ms. Blackshire’s class is sheer delight!  The
         students have their binders and notebooks out ready to learn,
         and the excitement is contagious.  Last semester, the students
         learned the Test Taking strategy.  When asked what they liked the
         most about the strategy, Casper Ellick said “It helps me focus on
         what to do, like what to do first.”  Many of the students shared
         affirmations they use when taking a test: “I can do this.” “I can
         ace this test.” This semester, they are beginning the Listening and
         Note-taking strategy.  Jose Villa said, “it helps me to focus on
         my stuff so that I can find it.” Erick Tomas-Romas commented
         “the strategy makes us learn to listen to write and helps us remember better.” All of the students clearly adore,
         appreciate and admire their teacher.  Jaliks Garcia said, “She makes my day!”

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