Page 2 - FDLRS Focus - Winter 2020
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Kevin McCormick ESE Director

                                On behalf of the Department of Exceptional Student Education (ESE), I
                                would like to thank staff, parents and our community for the hard work
                                and determination in keeping the focus on doing what’s best for our
                                students. The ESE staff is dedicated to supporting schools, servicing
                                students, and providing guidance and professional development to
                                parents. We are proud to share that our graduation rates for students with
         disabilities are continuing to make marked improvement.  The percentage of students with
         disabilities continues to increase at a greater rate annually than students without disabilities.
         We are all working towards achieving our common goal of raising student achievement for
         all students. Our mission is to provide and support specialized instruction and related services
         leading to successful life outcomes. We are committed to providing continuous support and

         quality service to our students, schools, parents, and community stakeholders.

        Behavioral and Mental Health

                                             The Department of Behavioral and Mental Health now offers
                                             free counseling services in  99 schools.  Co-located therapists
                                             are providing 12 individual counseling services at these
                                             assigned schools.   The counseling services are provided by
                                             licensed and credentialed mental health professionals from
                                             local community agencies.

          Counseling services are confidential and free to all students.  Medical insurance is not
          required. Counseling can be very helpful for students who may feel sad, scared, anxious or
          angry and who are unsure how to best deal with challenging relationships. Students learn
          important life skills such as effective communication and coping strategies that are helpful
          with improving school performance and relationships with family and friends.

          For more information, ask for the mental health
          professional at your school or call 561-982-0920.

          Dr. Mary Claire Mucenic,
          Director, Behavioral and Mental Health
          School District of Palm Beach County
          (O) 561-982-0902 (C) 561-654-6518

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