Page 99 - School Garden Development Guide - 4th Edition
P. 99

Through  school  gardening  programs,  the  potential  exists  to
        grow a substantial amount of food. Before the growing process is
        started, plans for utilizing the produce should be created.   Below
        are some options:
          •  Partner with the School Food Service team to provide samples
            on the serving line
          •  Sell to parents and teachers to sustain the garden
          •  Host a salad day/cooking classes
          •  Send home with families
          •  Donate to charitable organizations

        Partner with School Food Service (SFS)
        Whenever  serving food  grown in the  garden, consult  with the
        School Food Service professional on the school campus to ensure
        that food safety and sanitation procedures are followed. For more
        detailed information about the procedures that must be followed,
        click on the links below:

        School Garden to Cafeteria Produce Procedure

        School Garden to Cafeteria - Produce Transfer Receipt

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