Page 23 - 2024-2025 Choice Booklet
P. 23


        Children’s Orchestra and Performing Arts Project                           Available School Options
        The Children’s Orchestra & Performing Arts Project (COPA) is a comprehensive music
        program offering intense and extended music instruction for students in kindergarten   Choice
        through the fifth grade. Students begin in the primary grades learning to play the     · The Conservatory School @
        violin and progress musically adding viola, cello, bass, and a full orchestra theory with   North Palm Beach
        opportunities in the upper grades to play wind, strings, or percussion instruments. All   In–House: None available
        students receive music theory instruction and the upper grades have the opportunity
        for extensive after school  practice for  individuals and  sectionals. In addition to
        instrumental music, students are afforded instruction and performance opportunities
        in dance and musical theatre. Professional music staff and teaching artists provide
        high quality, daily instruction. The Conservatory School @ North Palm Beach offers the
        first El Sistema Music model program in the district and is a member of the National
        Alliance of El Sistema Schools.
        Digital Citizenship                                                        Available School Options
        In Grades K–5, students approach learning through an inquiry framework that infuses
        information technology including robotics, coding, and engineering. This program   Choice
        meets the needs of students with a talent and passion for science and technology and     · Village Academy
        who want to be change agents for an equitable society. Through the integration of   In–House: None available
        project–based learning, social and service learning projects, Village Academy students
        become active global citizens.
        E3—Energy, Environment, and Engineering
        The E3 Energy, Environment, and Engineering provides access to a natural scrub   Available School Options
        area where students learn about indigenous plants and animals as well as exotics and   Choice
        invasive species. Based on the LEED green building designation, it’s a natural fit for a     · Galaxy E3 Elementary
        program based in Energy, Environment Science, and Engineering or otherwise known   In–House: None available
        as the E3 curriculum. The first trimester curriculum is focused on energy, the second
        trimester is focused on environmental science, and the third trimester concentrates on
        engineering. Galaxy Elementary has a Wonderment Center where students discover
        through multimedia scientific wall stations, which features an interactive museum
        Environmental and Animal Science
        Frontier Elementary’s Environmental and Animal Science curriculum includes the   Available School Options
        study of life, physical, earth, space, and environmental science. Outdoor science   Choice
        labs incorporate hands on science inquiry along with the latest research technology.     · Frontier Elementary
        Students participate in a school–yard garden and each grade level conducts scientific   In–House: None available
        investigations into a particular small animal habitat. In addition to the academic skills
        developed through gardening, students also learn about the nutritional value of foods
        and participate in cooking.
        Environmental Science and Field Research                                   Available School Options
        This program offers students the opportunity to become Young Environmental
        Stewards (YES!). Students will explore and evaluate challenges and concerns related   Choice
        to their environment: gopher tortoise preservation, ecosystem restoration, recycling,     · Dwight D. Eisenhower K-8
        sustainable gardening providing healthy food options, aquatic life protection, and   In–House: None available
        energy conservation. This hands–on, high–interest, experiential learning builds student
        awareness of their responsibility of protecting and caring for the environment.

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