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         Sibling  preference  is  provided  to  applicants  who  have  a  sibling   is  considered  an  amendment  to  any  current  or  past  program
         currently  attending  the  Choice  school  in  which  the  applicant  is   contracts.
         applying to as his/her first choice preference. Siblings are defined     · Students who are selected and accept placement into a Choice
         as a brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepbrother or stepsister   program must agree to participate on a full time basis. Students
         living in the same household as the applicant. The "sibling attending"   who wish to participate in Dual Enrollment/Early Admit/full-time
         preference  is  only  provided  if  the  sibling  is  a  Choice  or  in-house   Virtual must exit their Choice school/program and return to their
         program  student  who  is  currently  attending  the  same  first  choice   zoned  school  if  it  impacts  their  ability  to  complete  required
         school and will continue to attend the Choice school the next school   coursework for their Choice program.
         year. Pre-K siblings are considered if they are enrolled in a full Choice     · Once assigned to a school, students may not change programs
         school only.                                              from the one they were assigned to through the lottery.
         The  sibling  must  be associated  in the Family  Dashboard so  the     · If  a  student's  address  has  changed  and  that  change  impacts
         preference can be verified. Siblings who are currently in grades 5,   the attendance boundary designation of the student, the seat
         8 or 12 will not be considered eligible siblings for this preference as   assignment will be revoked.
         they will not be scheduled to attend the school the following school
         year. Siblings not associated prior to the Choice lottery, will not be   Private School Students
         provided a sibling preference at a later time.         Eligible private school students must be full–time residents of Palm
                                                                Beach County. In order to determine eligibility for many programs,
         Although  siblings  applying  to  the  same  Choice  school  will  not   student’s  report  cards,  transcripts  and/or  portfolios  must  be
         receive preference in the lottery, it is important to indicate this on   submitted to the applicant's school(s) for determination of eligibility,
         the application so they can be easily identified as siblings applying   no later than January 27, 2023. The eligibility documentation may
         together. A separate application must be submitted for each student   also be uploaded to the online application through January 27, 2023.
         as each sibling is considered a separate lottery applicant. The siblings   Contact the Choice Coordinator at the school(s) for more information.
         must be listed on the “Sibling” section of each Choice application so
         it can be verified. Siblings applying together are not guaranteed to   Probation & Exit Procedures
         be assigned together. If an application for a sibling applying is not   If a student exits a Choice school program, voluntarily or involuntarily,
         submitted, a late application will be accepted. However, assignment   the student is not eligible to remain at the school as a non–Choice
         is not guaranteed. Up to 50% of Elementary students and 25% of   student. The parent or guardian has the right to withdraw the student
         secondary students with this preference will be randomly assigned   at any time but removal at the end of the semester or year is highly
         after the Principal's 20% students, Employee, Military, IB Continuum   recommended.
         and Priority SAC preference applicants are assigned.      · Background checks will be conducted for select programs.
         Strand* preference is provided if the applicant has completed a similar   Students who do not pass their background check will be exited
         preparatory Choice themed program (Arts, IB, FAU Biomedical, STEM,   from the program at the end of the first marking period.
         Dual Language, etc.) at a lower grade level. Applicants applying for     · All Choice programs require students to maintain academic,
         a 6th grade program must have completed grades 4–5 of a similar   attendance and conduct expectations. Students not meeting
         preparatory  Choice  theme  to  receive  this  preference.  Applicants   these requirements will be put on probation.
         applying for a 9  grade program must have completed grades 7–8     · If a student does not meet the terms of probation by the end
         of a similar preparatory Choice theme. All other students must have   of the designated marking period, or a Level 3 or 4 incident
         completed the prior two years in a like Choice program. Up to 25%   according to SDPBC Student Code of Conduct occurs, a diverse
         of secondary students with this preference will be randomly assigned   committee of school and District representatives, including
         after the Principal's 20% students, Employee, Military, IB Continuum,   appropriate team members supporting the student (ie: ESE,
         Priority SAC and Sibling preference applicants are assigned.  504, ELL, SBT, etc) will be established to review, discuss, and
                                                                   recommend the appropriate action, including program exit as
         Post–Lottery Procedures                                   per the school program requirements. Schools may exit students
         Once the lottery results are released, parents/guardians must accept   at the end of a marking period unless a serious offense warrants
         the seat from their parent dashboard to complete the assignment   a removal (Discipline Level 3 or 4 or recommendation of the
         into a Choice program. The school's program Coordinator will send   school committee).
         program related documents that must be returned to the school by     · Parents/legal guardians, on behalf of the student, may appeal
         the requested deadline date.                              an involuntary exit decision from a Choice school or program as
                                                                   outlined, below.
            · All Choice programs require, as a condition for admission, that
           students  and  parents/guardians  sign  a  contract  agreeing  to   A  request  for  an  Appeal  of  Exit  must  be  submitted  in  writing,
           meet the academic, attendance and conduct expectations of the   using the appropriate form (PBSD 2418), within five (5) school days
           Choice program.                                      from the school’s written notice of its decision to exit the student.
            · Acceptance of a seat assignment is an acknowledgement that the   Click  here  to  download  the  PBSD  2418  Choice  Appeals
           program requires students to adhere to academic and behavior   Application.
            · Choice  Department  procedures  and/or  Board  approved  policy

                                                   EDUCATE · AFFIRM · INSPIRE
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