Page 18 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
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If your child is engaging in bullying behavior:
            ▪  Make it clear that you take bullying seriously and you will not tolerate this behavior.
            ▪  Develop clear and consistent rules within your family for your child’s behavior.
            ▪  Spend more time with your child and carefully monitor his/her behavior.
            ▪  Build on your child’s talents by encouraging him/her to get involved in pro-social activities.
            ▪  Talk with your child’s teacher, school counselor, or administrator to approach this behavior as a team.
            ▪  If your child needs additional help, talk with a counselor or mental health professional.

        What you should do if your child is bullied:
            ▪  Most importantly, focus on your child. Listen, be supportive, and gather information and the facts related to the
            ▪  Stay calm and report the incident(s) to your child’s teacher, school counselor, assistant principal and/or principal.
               Document all incidents  of mistreatment, abuse, cruelty, and/or disrespectful acts toward  your child and or
               perpetrated by your child.
            ▪  Complete and/or encourage your child to file the Student Bullying and Harassment Report found in the main
               office of your school and place it in the Drop Box or complete the online Bullying Report. Reporting is not tattling
               when the intention is to alert the teacher and/or administration of any harmful acts of mistreatment toward your
               child or others.
            ▪  Call Safe Schools’ centralized  Bullying Anonymous Hotline  Telephone  to  report  concerns  of  bullying
            ▪  Request that you be informed or schedule a follow-up conference to discuss findings and determine actions to
               monitor and support all students involved, as well as to deter continued and/or escalation of incidents.
            ▪  Seek resources to assist you in strengthening your child’s resilience toward harm.

        The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, adheres to a policy of nondiscrimination in all educational activities and
        programs and strives affirmatively to provide equal opportunity for all as set forth in the following School Board Policies.
        We seek to provide a safe and equal learning opportunity for each of our students, regardless of race, color, sex, age,
        national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or social and family background.
        Each school must be free from the disruption that would interfere with the teacher’s right to teach and the student’s right
        to learn.

        Pursuant to Title VI, Title IX, Section 504/Title II and other civil rights regulations, the District is committed to providing an
        educational environment  free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. This
        commitment applies to all District operations, programs, and activities. Below are related policies:

                       ●  Policy 5.001: Protecting Students from Discrimination and Harassment
                       ●  Policy 5.002: Protecting Students from Bullying and Harassment
                       ●  Policy 5.81:   Protecting Students from Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Discrimination
                       ●  Policy 5.82:   Teen Dating Violence or Abuse

        Hope Scholarship
        The Florida Legislature created the Hope Scholarship Program to give public school children in Florida relief from bullying
        and violence. The Scholarship gives parents the opportunity to transfer their child to another K-12 public school with
        available capacity within the school district, receive a scholarship to transport the student to a public school with available
        capacity in another school district, or to request a scholarship for the student to attend an eligible private school. For more
        information, please speak with the administrative staff at your child's school or visit Hope Scholarship Program.
        FY24 Student and Family Handbook                                                                                                                                            12 | Page
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