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Another option available to assess the educational performance and growth of students with the most significant cognitive
        disabilities is through the use of the FAA Datafolio, which is a collection of student work across three periods throughout
        the school year. This option is typically used for students who do not have a formal mode of communication.

        The IEP Team may determine that a student with disabilities, who meets specific criteria, may have the End-of-Course
        (EOC) Assessment results waived. If the criteria are met, the EOC Assessment results are waived for the purposes of
        determining the student’s course grade and credit. F.S. § 1008.22(3)(c) The IEP Team must document that the student
        demonstrated proficiency on the course standards.

        Extraordinary Exemption
        An IEP Team may determine that specific circumstances or conditions prevent a student with disabilities from physically
        demonstrating mastery of skills by taking a statewide assessment.  The District Superintendent makes a recommendation
        for extraordinary exemption, based on the IEP Team recommendation, to the State Commissioner of Education.  Florida’s
        Commissioner of Education either grants or denies the request.  The deadline for requesting an Extraordinary Exemption
        is 60 days prior to the assessment administration window.  F.S. § 1008.212, If a parent disagrees with the Commissioner’s
        denial of an extraordinary exemption, they may request an expedited due process hearing.

        Collaboration of Public and Private Instructional Personnel
        Parents may request to have their private instructional personnel (Behavior Analysts, Speech/Language Pathologists,
        Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists) collaborate with public instructional personnel in order to enhance their
        student’s services.  Florida Statute § 1003.572 delineates specific requirements for this collaboration, including Principal
        consent and establishment of written agreements.  Additional information can be obtained from the school’s ESE Contact
        or the Regional ESE Coordinator.

        Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion with ESE Students
        Information regarding the use of Restraint and Seclusion and the required documentation can be found in School Board
        P-5.181, which is located on the following website within Chapter 5:  Pupil Personnel.  The Policy allows for specific physical
        restraint procedures under limited emergency circumstances, but prohibits the use of seclusion.

                                                  FEES FOR STUDENTS
                                                           Policy 2.21

        Any request for money from a student for curricular activities (including field trips) shall be in writing from the principal,
        addressed to the student’s parent, and shall clearly state: (a) no penalty of any type will be imposed against the student
        based upon a failure to pay; (b) no student shall be denied the right to participate for failure to pay; (c) the principal may
        forego a planned activity or use of a particular item based upon the collection of insufficient funds to cover the cost of the
        item or activity; and (d) this request is for a voluntary payment. The Policy sets forth acceptable requests for payments.

         Note: Extracurricular activities are not considered a part of P-2.21. Therefore, costs associated with those activities may be charged
                to the student. Policy 2.21(C), although a student cannot be denied the right to participate due to inability to pay.

        FY24 Student and Family Handbook                                                                                                                                            23 | Page
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