Page 39 - FY24_Student AndFamilyHandbookEnglish_9-26_23
P. 39

                                              Policy 8.123; Policy 2.122; Policy 2.131, Policy 5.70

        The Constitution of the United States guarantees us the right to express our ideas freely. A basic education should prepare
        us to do that in responsible ways. We need opportunities to learn how to listen to the views of others, as well as how to
        express ourselves peacefully and harmoniously.
                                                      Policy 2.131, Policy 5.70

        Students are expected to behave in ways that respect the rights of all. No non-school printed or electronic materials may
        be distributed or posted in schools or on school grounds unless permission has been granted by the principal or an
        authorized administrator and in designated areas.  The following rules apply:

               1.  Approval must be obtained from a school administrator prior to:
                       a.  handing out or posting non-school materials including petitions and surveys;
                       b.  printing or electronically distributing any school publications, collecting money or selling
                          advertisements for  school publications, and/or distributing any commercial, political,  or religious
                          material on school grounds.
                          ▪  Notices of student non-curricular group meetings posted on general-purpose electronic or other
                              student bulletin boards do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the School District and/or
                              the Administration.  The District is only offering physical space to such groups per federal law and
                              does not promote, endorse or otherwise sponsor such materials.  Students are encouraged to be
                              sensitive  to  the  viewpoints  and  beliefs  of  their  fellow  students  when  posting  such  notices
               2.  Students may not distribute electronic or printed petitions, surveys or other non-school materials during class
                   time, unless curriculum-based and authorized by the teacher. Policy-2.131 also states: Distribution locations
                   on campus shall be designated by the principal and may include, among others, any entrance and exit to the
                   school and places near the cafeteria. Distribution shall be conducted in an orderly manner and shall not disrupt
                   the ordinary operation of the school or interfere with free expression by other students.
               3.  No items or publications shall be distributed or displayed in any school which can:
                       a.  reasonably be interpreted by the principal or supervising administrators as being obscene, lewd, or
                          pornographic in a school or setting; being libelous or slanderous; containing statements which invade
                          the personal right of privacy or advertising items not permitted for use by minors; and
                       b.  reasonably be expected to create a material and substantial disruption of normal school activity or
                          appropriate discipline in the operation of the school; or which advocates violence or illegal activity.
                          Pornographic materials are not allowed on school grounds.
               4.  Permission to use  District technology resources including online telecommunications and/or networks
                   requires that the student electronically acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the user’s rights
                   and responsibilities and parents receive notification from the New and Returning Student Registration Form
                   they sign each year. (P-8.123)

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